This list is being maintained for archival purposes only. It is no longer being updated. If you wish to consult an up-to-date list, or add an academic blog, go to to the academic blogs wiki, maintained by Henry Farrell at “”:
- academic link policy
- Audhumlan Conspiracy
- Becker-Posner blog
- Biocurious
- Butterflies and Wheels
- Cardinal Collective
- Crescat Sententia
- Gnostical Turpitude
- Grand Text Auto
- Kikuchiyo News
- Liberty and Power
- Monkey Magic
- Obsidian Wings
- The Panda’s Thumb
- Public Intelligence
- Stone Court
- SCSU Scholars
- Terra Nova
- Tongue But No Door
- The Volokh Conspiracy
- Whirled View
- WordHerders
- Yale Insider
- Charmaine Yoest
Political science/Political Theory
- “Abu Aardvark”
- America Abroad
- Antidotal
- ArchPundit
- Thomas Barnett
- John Baughman
- Paul Brewer
- Chris Brooke
- Josh Cherniss
- Andrew R. Cline
- Sam Crane
- Michelle Dion
- Dan Drezner
- Duck of Minerva
- Rory Ewins
- Daniel Geffen
- General Glut
- Norman Geras
- Michael Gordon
- Rick Hasen
- Steven Horn
- The Insurgent (moribund?)
- James Joyner
- Jusiper
- Loren King
- Geoff Kurtz
- Chris Lawrence
- Lawyers, Guns and Money
- James Ker-Lindsey
- Brett Marston
- Stephen Medvic
- Laura McK****
- “Nasi Lemak”
- Brendan Nyhan
- Ciaran O’Kelly
- Nathan Paxton
- Political Arguments
- Rodger Payne
- Polysigh
- R.J. Rummel
- Republic of Heaven
- Chris Sciabarra
- Matthew Shugart
- Steven L. Taylor
- Nick Troester
- Steve Weber
- Garry Young (moribund?)
Sociology/Public Policy
- Angry Bear
- Atrios
- Kevin Brancato
- Card Carrying Member
- Brad DeLong
- Division of Labour
- Econ Opinion
- Economist’s View
- Environmental Economics
- Financial Rounds
- Full Context
- Peter Gordon
- James D. Hamilton
- John Irons
- Stephen Karlson
- Stephen Kirchner
- Andrew Leigh
- Lynne Kiesling
- Jim Leitzel
- Jim Mahar
- Marginal Revolution
- Robert Metcalfe
- Kevin McCabe
- Ben Muse
- Eric Rasmusen
- Raymond Sauer
- Chris Silvey
- William Sjostrom (AtlanticBlog)
- David Chalmers’ philosophical weblog list
- Ad Absurdum
- Antimeta
- À Gauche
- Jeremy Alder
- Amaravati
- Anggarrgoon
- Audhumlan Conspiracy
- H.E. Baber
- Philip Blosser
- Paul Broderick
- Matt Brown
- Diana Buccafurni
- Brandon Butler
- Keith Burgess-Jackson
- Certain Doubts
- David Chalmers
- Noam Chomsky
- Consequently
- The Conservative Philosopher
- Desert Landscapes
- Doctor Freeride
- Denis Dutton
- Karl Elliott
- David Estlund
- Experimental Philosophy
- Fake Barn County
- Kai von Fintel
- Russell Arben Fox
- Garden of Forking Paths
- Roger Gathman
- Michael Green
- Scott Hagaman
- Helen Habermann
- David Hildebrand
- John Holbo
- Christopher Grau
- Jonathan Ichikawa
- Tom Irish
- Michelle Jenkins
- Adam Kotsko
- Barry Lam
- Language Hat
- Language Log
- Christian Lee
- Brian Leiter
- Stephen Lenhart
- Clayton Littlejohn
- Logic and Language
- LogBlog
- Logicomp
- Roderick T. Long
- Joshua Macy
- Mad Grad
- P.D. Magnus
- Jonathan Martin
- Joe Miller
- Matthew McGrattan
- Marc Moffett
- Geoffrey Nunberg
- Orange Philosophy
- Philosophy Carnival
- Philosophy, et cetera
- Philosophy of Art
- Prosblogion
- Douglas Portmore
- Philosophy from the 617 (moribund)
- Jeremy Pierce
- Punishment Theory
- Geoff Pynn
- Timothy Quigley (moribund?)
- Right Reason>
- Conor Roddy
- Sappho’s Breathing
- Anders Schoubye
- Wolfgang Schwartz
- Scribo
- Michael Sevel
- Tom Stoneham (moribund)
- Adam Swenson
- Peter Suber
- That Logic Blog
- Eddie Thomas
- Joe Ulatowski
- Bruce Umbaugh
- What is the name …
- Matt Weiner
- Will Wilkinson
- Jessica Wilson
- Young Hegelian
- Richard Zach
- Ann Althouse
- Stephen Bainbridge
- Jack Balkin
- Douglass A. Berman
- Francesca Bignami
- BlunkettWatch
- Jack Bogdanski
- Paul L. Caron
- China Law Prof
- Clinical Law Prof
- Compliance Law Prof
- Environmental Law Prof
- Conglomerate
- Jeff Cooper
- Disability Law
- Displacement of Concepts
- Wayne Eastman
- Eric Fink
- Victor Fleischer (on hiatus)
- Peter Friedman
- Michael Froomkin
- Bernard Hibbitts
- Walter Hutchens
- InstaPundit
- Andis Kaulins
- Adam Kolber
- Lawmeme
- Edward Lee
- Karl-Friedrich Lenz
- Larry Lessig
- Mirror of Justice
- Eric Muller
- Nathan Oman
- Opinio Juris
- John Palfrey
- Ken Parish
- Prawfsblawg
- Punishment Theory
- Larry Ribstein
- The Right Coast
- D. Gordon Smith
- Lawrence Solum
- Peter Tillers
- Transatlantic Assembly
- Lawrence Velvel
- David Wagner
- Kim Weatherall
- Yale Constitution Society
- Tun Yin
- Apocalyptic Historian
- Blogenspiel
- Blog Them Out of the Stone Age
- Timothy Burke
- Rebunk
- Naomi Chana
- Chapati Mystery
- Cliopatria
- Juan Cole
- Cranky Professor
- Greg Daly
- James Davila
- Sherman Dorn
- Michael Drout
- Early Modern Notes
- Frog in a Well
- Frogs and Ravens
- Evan Garcia
- Katrina Gulliver
- George Mason History bloggers
- Ghost in the Machine
- Rebecca Goetz
- Hiram Hover
- Invisible Adjunct (inactive)
- Jason Kuznicki
- Konrad Mitchell Lawson
- Danny Loss
- Danny Loss
- Ether MacAllum Stewart
- Pam Mack
- Heather Mathews
- James Meadway
- Medieval Studies
- H.D. Miller
- Caleb McDaniel
- Marc Mulholland
- No Great Matter
- Otto Pohl
- Received Ideas
- Renaissance Weblog
- Nathaniel Robinson
- Jacob Remes (moribund?)
- Christopher Sheil
- Red Ted
- Time Travelling Is Easy
- Brian Ulrich
- Shana Worthen
- Anawim< /li>
- Lauren Andreacchi (moribund)
- Ryan Baker
- Eric Behrens
- Danah Boyd
- David Brake
- Collin Brooke
- Cprobes
- Maximilian Dornseif (moribund)
- Jeff Erickson
- Ed Felten
- Lance Fortnow
- Louise Ferguson
- Ted Friedman
- Anne Galloway
- Jason Gallo
- Josh Greenberg
- Alex Halavais
- Sariel Har-Peled
- Tracy Kennedy
- Tim Lambert
- Liz Lawley
- Andy Miah
- Michael O’Foghlu
- Jose Luis Orihuela (moribund)
- Alex Pang
- Sebastian Paquet
- Jay Pfaffman
- Public Brewery
- Fernando Pereira
- Pink Bunny of Battle
- Ranting Professors
- Jay Rosen
- Ken Rufo
- Douglas Rushkoff
- Vika Safrin
- Rob Schaap (Blogorrhoea)
- Frank Schaap
- Robert A. Stewart
- Sue Thomas
- Ray Trygstad
- Siva Vaidhyanathan
- Suresh Venkatasubramanian
- Tim Waclawski
- Jill Walker
- Phil Windley
- Zirma
Business administration/Marketing
Industrial relations
Literature, language, culture
- AmericaSedition
- Robert Archambeau
- Mike Arnzen
- Brandon Barr
- Michael Berube
- Matthew Blackbourne
- The Blogora
- Colin Brayton
- John Bruce
- Miriam Burstein
- Chris Cagle
- Jean Chu
- Hans Coppens
- Josh Corey
- Tyler Curtain
- Cultural Revolution
- Terry Dean
- delagar
- Joseph Duemer
- Ellen and Jim
- Flaschenpost
- Kathleen Fitzpatrick
- Jonathan Goodwin
- Rachael Groner
- Deborah Gussman
- Alison Hale
- Household Opera
- Dennis Jerz
- Jason Jones
- Miriam Jones
- Pierre Joris
- Matthew Kirschenbaum
- Konvolut M
- Steven Krause
- Kultur Industrie
- Lilliputian Lilith
- Catherine Liu
- Long Sunday
- John Lovas
- Gerald Lucas
- Making Contact
- Barry Mauer
- Jonathan Mayhew
- Derek Mueller
- Erin O’Connor
- Richard Pope
- Print Culture
- Clancy Ratcliff
- Matthias Rip
- A.G. Rud
- Amardeep Singh
- Steve Shaviro
- Bruce Neil Simon
- The Tattered Coat
- Thanks … Zombie
- Third Factory
- Vera Tobin
- Chuck Tryon
- University Diaries
- Barrett Watten
Library Science
Physics/Applied Physics
Complex Systems
University Administration
Architecture/Urban development
Earth Sciences
Who Knows?
Other sources of information
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