
by Kieran Healy on March 22, 2005

Hello again everyone. By “resident guru”:, Henry means I am the person who gets to ask better-informed people questions like this: Does anyone know how to get the “ComPreVal”: plugin working when “Staticize”: is also installed? The former previews and validates comments while the latter turns on page caching, which helps when the server is under heavy load. But they don’t play together: when someone tries to preview a comment, I think the cached version of the page keeps appearing rather than a new version including the preview.



Matt 03.22.05 at 12:05 pm

Staticize has a list of files it excludes, just add the name of the preview file to that list.


Kieran Healy 03.22.05 at 12:32 pm

Thanks Matt! I was able to surround the relevant function with the tag that signals it should be treated dynamically. I think it’s working again now.


Wax Banks 03.22.05 at 2:58 pm

Don’t know the appropriate place to leave this comment, but I now find your site almost unreadable, because links are now all but invisible. Since I don’t read webpages while fanning my mouse around looking for onMouseOver underlining, I’m in need of help!!
(No, a per-site Safari CSS plugin is not an option at this point. :)
Is there any way you could set those links apart a little bit? They were lovely under MT.

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