Sean Carroll is “moving to Caltech”: as a Senior Research Associate. Congratulations to him. I was out at Caltech a couple of years ago. I gave a talk on weak first order deconfinement transitions in (2+1)-dimensional SU(5) Yang-Mills theory. No of course I didn’t. I was in Pasadena because my significantly smarter other was at a conference, and I wandered over there. Looking to get oriented, I found a map of the campus. The buildings were numbered and there were two keys: an alphabetical index and a functional index. Obviously the engineers are in charge here, I thought.
dominic 04.06.06 at 11:20 pm
And when the Institute throws a party, we all have to fall in line with some engineer’s idea of what constitutes a good time.
Zeno 04.06.06 at 11:24 pm
You have to love a campus with a nine-story library in its middle. To say nothing of the Deco-Greco auditorium building.
fyreflye 04.06.06 at 11:42 pm
You have to love a campus with a nine-story library in its middle. To say nothing of the Deco-Greco auditorium building.
Not to mention the fact that it hosts the Skeptic lecture series.
Sean Carroll 04.06.06 at 11:45 pm
Thanks, Kieran. I could have sworn it was large-N gauge theory, not SU(5), but perhaps my memory is failing.
JohnLopresti 04.07.06 at 2:52 am
The best map to a campus is written on the visages of people exiting it, as you watch the intensity of academic life wash away, relaxing somewhat incrementally as the distance from campus increases.
Now, I appreciate the projects CalTech fosters, and am grateful for the 90% of matter in the universe which is invisible, over which their fine minds are entrusted with stewardship. In fact, often I wish CalTech more satellites and the best telescopes in space with the greatest longevity.
In a shared project with MIT, Caltech is monitoring the evolution of voting technology; traveling where politics asymptotically approaches science, whence politicalscientists are born, though there are seams and rifts in our time.
dearieme 04.07.06 at 9:20 am
Never mind that, tell us what twee expression they used for rest room, bathroom, facility….?
tylerh 04.07.06 at 2:03 pm
You have to love a campus with a nine-story library in its middle.
When I was at CalTech we proudly rallied around the claim that Millikan Libary has “the highest concrete to books ratio of any library outside of Albania.”
Because, lord knows, that black eyesore sucks neutron stars through wormholes as a library.
what twee expression they used for rest room
“restroom” works just fine, as does “bathroom.” We get a lot of foriegn visitors, so even “WC” would probably work, as would “Crapper” if you felt compelled to be difficult.
Kieran Holland 04.07.06 at 7:05 pm
Careful now, you wouldn’t want to end up in some London court on plagiarism charges.
TJ 04.08.06 at 12:54 am
Sadly, the engineers are not in charge here, anymore. No, it’s really all about the producers of NUMB3RS and er, both of which shoot on campus, regularly screwing over the parking situation, and occasionally making my favored vending machines verboten.
sir thomas crapper 04.08.06 at 12:47 pm
what twee expression they used for rest room
You can´t get much more twee than “rest room”. I hate to break it to you Yanks, but people don´t go in there to “rest”, they go in there to piss and/or shit.
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