The Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain

by Harry on June 29, 2008

A short appreciation by Phil Jupitus available for a short time here.

For newcomers, here are renditions of You Don’t Bring Me Flowers, Life on Mars (beautiful, actually), and, for the many Dick Barton fans out there, the Devil’s Gallop. I can’t find Anarchy in the UK, I’m afraid, you’ll have to see them live for that.



Jacob Christensen 06.29.08 at 10:37 pm

Psst: They have a homepage as well. ;-)


Laura 06.29.08 at 10:47 pm

It’s really interesting how many of these cabaret groups who do this ironic recovery of ‘quirky’ instruments or styles (see also the Puppini Sisters, Bob Downe etc) draw on the same strangely small pool of songs. Psycho Killer, Heart of Glass, Wuthering Heights, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Bohemian Rhapsody. What’s that about?


john c. halasz 06.30.08 at 7:14 am

What? No bouzoukis or balalaikas? That’s just lame!


Dave 06.30.08 at 12:52 pm

@2 – about people [of a certain age?] recognising distinctive tunes played on ‘quirky’ instruments, taking a WAG….


Mrs Tilton 06.30.08 at 2:28 pm

Laura @2,

SFAIK Pianosaurus didn’t do many covers.

That “Life on Mars” was great, though, esp. once they got all contrapunctual and multicompositorial on its ass.


Nick 06.30.08 at 4:39 pm

#2 – Well yes, up to a point: I just wonder what on earth anyone encountering the genius of ‘My Baby Does Good Sculptures’ or ‘Another Girl Another Planet’ for the first time in these versions is going to make of the originals . . .


Righteous Bubba 06.30.08 at 4:57 pm

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