“If you are going to have sex with a stuffed toy pig then you are NOT to use a condom.”
It’s the Astroglide-lubed slippery slope of gay marriage – first adorable couples at City Hall, next man-on-dog sex, then men marrying box turtles, followed by men marrying horses*, and eventually unprotected sex with stuffed toy pigs, until, panting and exhausted, we reach the climatic end stage of dogs and cats living together!
*It’s uncertain whether the box turtles get divorced or if we’re talking about some kind of multi-species polygamy here.
I remember that the game Command&Conquer had “Surrender is not an option” written on the box, although in-game you could go to the menu, pick “Stop current game” and then pick “Surrender game”.
There was also an “Options” menu, and Surrender was indeed in a different menu.
Jonathan M 03.24.10 at 2:34 pm
That’s… beautiful.
The weight of possible interpretations is so tremendous it is practically bending spacetime.
At the moment I’m thinking that it’s a stern warning : If you are going to have sex with a stuffed toy pig then you are NOT to use a condom.
Substance McGravitas 03.24.10 at 2:40 pm
Safety is NOT an option. IT’S SANCTIONED.
alwsdad 03.24.10 at 2:52 pm
She really should have a shoulder belt, too.
lillemask 03.24.10 at 3:49 pm
Should have been “not an OPTION”, right?
Paul K. 03.24.10 at 4:16 pm
Seen in Madison recently:
This one seems to me to send mixed messages.
HP 03.24.10 at 5:21 pm
In a world where safety is not an option, there can be no recourse to the tyranny of the majority.
Dan S. 03.25.10 at 2:40 am
“If you are going to have sex with a stuffed toy pig then you are NOT to use a condom.”
It’s the Astroglide-lubed slippery slope of gay marriage – first adorable couples at City Hall, next man-on-dog sex, then men marrying box turtles, followed by men marrying horses*, and eventually unprotected sex with stuffed toy pigs, until, panting and exhausted, we reach the climatic end stage of dogs and cats living together!
*It’s uncertain whether the box turtles get divorced or if we’re talking about some kind of multi-species polygamy here.
Zamfir 03.25.10 at 11:07 am
I remember that the game Command&Conquer had “Surrender is not an option” written on the box, although in-game you could go to the menu, pick “Stop current game” and then pick “Surrender game”.
There was also an “Options” menu, and Surrender was indeed in a different menu.
Lian 03.26.10 at 2:17 pm
Oh, the difference between “optional” and “an option.”
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