SASE Mini-Conferences

by Henry Farrell on September 7, 2012

SASE, the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (the academic association for economic sociology), is hosting its annual conference in Milan next year, and calling for proposals for mini-conferences as part of the main event.

bq. Up to eight mini-conference themes will be selected for inclusion in the Call for Papers by the program committee, which may also propose themes of its own. Preference will be given to proposals linked to the overarching conference theme, “States in Crisis,” but mini-conferences on other SASE-related themes will also be considered. Proposals for mini-conference themes must be submitted electronically to the members of the program committee by October 1, 2012. All mini-conference proposals should include the name(s) and email addresses of the organizer(s), together with a brief description. As in previous years, each mini-conference will consist of 2 to 6 panels, which will be featured as a separate stream in the program. Each panel will have a discussant, meaning that selected participants must submit a completed paper in advance, by June 1, 2013.

I have a vested interest here – I’m a member of SASE’s executive board – but it is a pretty good way of getting serious discussion going on a topic or linked set of topics that are too big to deal with in a single panel.



Wonks Anonymous 09.07.12 at 4:32 pm

Is socio-economics practiced by economists or sociologists? The former sounds likely, while the latter would retain their disciplines name as the modified noun in “economic sociology”.

I suppose this might be more relevant for the “Debt” thread, but comments are closed there now. Anyway, I find it interesting that the purer-than-Chicago “Minnesota/freshwater” economist David Andolfatto cites Quiggin and sounds a bit like Graeber here. He also makes the “economists overly simplify social relations” critique, but in service of what some call “demand denialism” (which is not explicit in that post, but is elsewhere on his blog).


Tomas 09.07.12 at 4:41 pm

Is there something wrong with the link? Seems to be calling me “Martha” which I find flattering, but somewhat odd.

Anyway, I am a Phd. student doing research on the how the post 1994 reforms created the financial power structure of state capitalism in China and I am taking a Veblenian perspective on capitalism. Empirically I am looking at the four bank restructuring AMC as a case study of the process. I was wondering if anyone was working on capitalism or finance in China and wanted to set something up?


HP 09.08.12 at 8:05 am

I tried to join SASE, but they refused to pay return postage.

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