Are you participating in a March For Our Lives event this coming Saturday, March 24th? There are hundreds of events taking place across the world. And now you don’t even have to worry about what sign to carry. Members of Action Together Zurich have created March For Our Lives posters, 89 of them (plus two to carry up front for some context). Each one is unique, with the front listing a common-sense gun bill that Congress has failed to act on, and the back listing the names of gun violence victims. The idea is for folks to print out the posters for marchers to carry at their local March For Our Lives event. Please spread the word. is the link to share.
John Quiggin 03.21.18 at 1:10 am
A good initiative, Eszter. I’ve posted a link to this post on Twitter.
I find Google Drive a bit clunky – I don’t know if this is just an idiosyncrasy on my part. Is it possible to set up a standard website as the portal for this useful material?
Eszter Hargittai 03.21.18 at 8:24 am
John, I find it interesting that so much is moving to these proprietary platforms and agree that it can be suboptimal, although in this case it seems to work reasonably well. This is a very much grassroots effort of volunteers that started up recently in Zurich so not sure they have the capacity to expand beyond these free services. I can pass along the feedback. Thanks for spreading the word!
Collin Street 03.21.18 at 8:35 am
If I were a better programmer I’d build some sort of web/wiki thing that worked over a git repository and was synchronised with bittorrent. Comments as patches, etc.
greensmile 03.24.18 at 5:04 pm
Crude constraints of living in a digital backwater like upstate NY provide unavoidable alternative: I use thumb drives, back up frequently and skate right over the frequent outages or slowdowns. Sharing happens not to be a great need in my retirement so my millage has varied. I cut and pasted .PNG of posters into FB comments for a few friends.
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