I took advantage of being on strike to do some Bristol tourism, and enjoyed looking round St Mary Redcliffe particularly: a gothic wonder that I pass every day but because it is local only seem to enter once a week.
In the 80s I used to work on the opposite side of Redcliff Hill to St Mary and it is indeed a “gothic wonder”. I’m not religious but I certainly appreciate the architecture. It’s as impressive as the cathedral in many ways.
Gordon 03.08.20 at 10:54 am
In the 80s I used to work on the opposite side of Redcliff Hill to St Mary and it is indeed a “gothic wonder”. I’m not religious but I certainly appreciate the architecture. It’s as impressive as the cathedral in many ways.
Alan White 03.08.20 at 2:39 pm
Great framing in many ways–especially that rear window.
Barry 03.08.20 at 11:52 pm
That is an amazing piece of work.
Neil Levy 03.09.20 at 12:41 pm
Huh. I always assumed it was neo-Gothic.
Chris Bertram 03.09.20 at 6:46 pm
I don’t think so Neil. Most of it is 12th-15C, but they were still working on the (replacement) spire into the 19th,
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