Free Access Work by Waheed Hussain

by Miriam Ronzoni on March 16, 2021

Several publishers have decided to make Waheed’s work temporarily open access to honour his memory.

These two have been brought to my attention, please post in the comments if you know of more:

“Pitting People Against Each Other,” Philosophy and Public Affairs, Winter 2020

“Accountable to Whom? Rethinking the Role of Corporations in Political CSR” (with Jeffrey Moriarty), Journal of Business Ethics, 2018

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }


Matt 03.16.21 at 11:49 am

Thanks for this. Waheed was a friend and a really good philosopher, so I hope more people will get to know his work.


Mike Furlan 03.16.21 at 11:14 pm

“One day, the department institutes a new arrangement. The new arrangement collapses the two lines into one, so either A or B will get tenure, depending on who makes the more important contribution. If A gets tenure, B will not. If B gets tenure, A will not. Given their talents and the state of the field, A and B each has a 50% chance of getting tenure.”


“Pitting People Against Each Other”

Sounds like the only way to win is not to play.

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