Sunday photoblogging: Gdansk

by Chris Bertram on June 18, 2023




Alan White 06.18.23 at 3:25 pm

Closeness and verticality! Good photo.


Ingrid Robeyns 06.19.23 at 1:59 pm

I’ve never been to Gdansk but this looks deceivingly familiar! If you had not told us that this is Gdansk, but had asked us: “Where is this picture from”, I would have responded some old town in Belgium, like Leuven.


Chris Bertram 06.20.23 at 2:03 pm

@ingrid yes, you get a very similar architecture all the way along the coast in any of the Hanseatic towns


bad Jim 06.21.23 at 5:54 am

The triangular top is very northern, but the close quarters and the winding ways can be found in any old cities that grew, as it were, vegetatively. I would have said Amsterdam but Venice feels the same. Even in my town some alleys are just gaps between buildings.

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