Regular Joe

by Ted on April 13, 2005

Joe Scarborough:

Whether the debate centers around a Presidential election, the right to die movement, the gay agenda, prayer in school, or simply letting our children recite the Pledge of Alligence, the teachings of Jesus Christ always seems to thwart the agenda of America’s left wing elites.

Forget what you heard in the 1960s.

God is not dead.

In fact, he is very much alive and beating liberal elites on one political issue after another.

Maybe that is why so many of them hate the Prince of Peace.

via Andrew Sullivan, who wonders, as I do, which of Jesus’s teachings related to homosexuals or Bush vs. Kerry. Perhaps if I didn’t hate the Prince of Peace I’d know.

In 580 words, Scarborough uses the words “elite” or “elites” 6 times. This kind of class resentment is understandable from a “regular Joe” (his term) like Scarborough, but it’s hard to put your finger on when it developed. He might have picked it up during his hardscrabble days as a partner in a Florida law firm. He might have learned to resent the elites that he hired and fired as a newspaper owner. It could have come from his days as a hard-working blue-collar Congressman. (As Tom DeLay has attested, it’s very difficult making ends meet on a Congressional salary.)

Or maybe it’s more recent. Like most millionaire television pundits, Regular Joe can probably really commiserate with the concerns that working folks have about shitty service from the incompetent idiots that our employers hire to style our hair and apply our makeup.

Meanwhile, the House is about to vote for the permanent repeal of the estate tax. Joe will probably get right on that.

P.S. Did you notice that one of the “liberal elites” named ‘n’ shamed is Christopher Hitchens? What a coincidence.



Delicioius Pundit 04.13.05 at 5:20 pm

What’s also interesting is that the Christians became known in the Roman world because they would not worship the emperor, i.e. conflate the state and the church, as the Pledge of Allegiance defenders now insist we must.


neil 04.13.05 at 5:31 pm

Is that the same Christopher Hitchens recently excommunicated by tehe Left?


Matt Weiner 04.13.05 at 6:04 pm

Kinda like George Washington was stripped of his British citizenship?


Dan Simon 04.13.05 at 6:22 pm

I remember, back in the day, when snotty blueblood Republicans would sniff that supposedly populist lefty leaders–union bosses, Democratic party kingpins, troublemaking lawyers, ethnic/racial community leaders, and so on–were mere hypocritical nouveau wannabes in expensive suits, flaunting their non-membership in a club they actually desperately wanted to join. Said lefties would of course respond by fulminating even more angrily at the inbred elitists that wanted to keep their privileges to their own kind, and deny them to folks of ordinary pedigree.

The righties would call the lefties corrupt demagogues, the lefties would call the righties pampered, privilege-protecting elitists, and so it went. Of course, many of the lefties were corrupt demagogues, and many of the righties were pampered, privilege-protecting elitists. And how you voted depended on whether you were more afraid of the callous people above you holding you down, or the unruly people below you trying to take your place.

Plus c,a change, as they say….


imag 04.13.05 at 6:45 pm

Scarborough misquoted me – I actually hate Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. Why did Ubisoft have to mess with the formula?


Bernard Yomtov 04.13.05 at 7:23 pm

Not being a Christian, I’m afraid I’m unfamiliar with Jesus’ teachings with respect to the estate tax. Maybe Joe can provide some information.


Walt Pohl 04.13.05 at 8:15 pm

If Jesus came back tomorrow, Scarborough would be first in line to crucify him again.


y81 04.13.05 at 8:18 pm

Doesn’t seem that different from Franklin Saint Roosevelt denouncing “economic royalists” or “malefactors of great wealth.” Maybe someone with better grades than I can explain the difference.


Ted 04.13.05 at 8:46 pm

Did Roosevelt ever nickname himself “Regular Frank” and tell everyone that the Republicans hated Jesus? There’s two easy differences.


George 04.13.05 at 9:34 pm

God even loves Joe Scarborough. He also knows what happened in Joe’s district office the night Lori Klausutis–how should I say this?–died.

Oh to be a fly on Joe’s confessional wall!

Next thing we’re gonna hear is that Stalin was just a regular Joe.


mikez 04.13.05 at 9:55 pm

Maybe Joey confused the real Jesus, who was a liberal, with the General’s Republican Jesus? I can understand that. Joey ain’t too bright.


norbizness 04.13.05 at 10:09 pm

Blessed are the plutocrats, because they slip the doorman a $20 bill to get into heaven quicker, thereby stimulating the eternal economy.


Scott 04.13.05 at 10:14 pm

Whether the debate centers around a Presidential election, the right to die movement, the gay agenda, prayer in school, or simply letting our children recite the Pledge of Alligence, the teachings of Jesus Christ always seems to thwart the agenda of America’s left wing elites.

Damn good thing Jesus rose from the grave, otherwise he’d be spinning in it right now.


Kevin 04.13.05 at 10:20 pm

I wonder what Jesus think of the Lori Klausutis case.

The fact that Scarborough got away with this madness in the summer of Bill Condit and Chandra Levy proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the “liberal media” bit is pretty much a canard.


P O'Neill 04.13.05 at 10:36 pm

Ted clearly hasn’t heard that the Prince of Peace is tight with Bob Novak and therefore surely hates all liberals. No less a source than Judy Woodruff said so: “WOODRUFF: And so it was that the Prince of Darkness [Novak] embraced the Prince of Peace.” See the Daily Howler for all the details.


carla 04.13.05 at 10:54 pm

Conservatives in the House of Representatives once again passed legislation to repeal the Estate Tax. The repeal of this tax helps only the wealthiest among us. Most Americans won’t be affected.

And how did Jesus feel about the wealthy?

They aren’t getting into Heaven, apparently.

Scarborough is a disgusting hack.


Andrew Boucher 04.14.05 at 12:09 am

Doesn’t seem that different from Franklin Saint Roosevelt denouncing “economic royalists” or “malefactors of great wealth.”

Wasn’t that Theodore?


VJ 04.14.05 at 12:12 am

Geez, someone beat me to the Lori Klausutis reference. Nice Catholic woman. Wife and mother found dead in Regular Joe’s office late at night. No investigation. Autopsy botched by a fellow incompetent (cited many times for his frequent dereliction in Fl & TX), but politically well connected crony. (You’d never suspect, right?)

‘Devout young woman, found dead in Congressman’s office?’; the headline you never read. Very suspicious circumstances behind her death. Never explained movements and acts of Congressman Joe in the days and hours before her (LK) unlikely and untimely demise of ‘blunt force trauma’ to her head from a simple suspected/conjectured ‘fall’. Except that it never quite all adds up. The angles never work in the diagrams, such that they are. A later independent investigation by real Doctors reveals how unlikely it is that the stated cause of death is indeed correct. Getting away with murder? Just another Repug prerogative perhaps.


Uncle Kvetch 04.14.05 at 7:56 am

“WOODRUFF: And so it was that the Prince of Darkness [Novak] embraced the Prince of Peace.”

And because he’s a conservative, we can be sure Novak will be the good kind of Catholic.


Jeff 04.14.05 at 8:58 am

Went to U of Alabama with Joe Scarborough. Funny guy. Ran as an independent for SGA President; was making a serious challenge to the established Machine (shadowy dirty-tricks coalition with a long dark history — wire tapping; tire slashing; etc.); then Joe dropped out 2 days before election day. Stated reason: the Machine-controlled Senate would still be in charge, even if he won.

Wish I could find an old campaign flyer — I recall Joe quoted “Won’t Get Fooled Again”!

He’s just another bad TV personality now, saying whatever sells ads/creates controversy. The Klausutis case will apparently never be explained or investigated properly.


Thomas 04.14.05 at 10:44 am

In Ted’s circles–in most circles in contemporary America–it is certainly more serious to say that someone is a murderer than to say that he is irreligious. An unfounded accusation of murder is generally thought worse than an unfounded accusation of hating Jesus.

I wonder if Ted has any outrage left for the comments here.


Ted 04.14.05 at 11:01 am

Sorry, I hadn’t been paying attention, but Thomas is right.

I didn’t say anything in my post about Lori Klausutis because I read up about it and found that there’s nothing to say. It’s a terrible tragedy that a young woman with a heart condition died in his office, but there’s no reason that I can see to throw vague accusations at the guy. As far as I can tell, it could have happened to anyone. I don’t have the knowledge to say whether or not Ms. Klausutis had a “botched” autopsy, and I doubt that the commenters do, either. These accusations are PowerLine-grade.

Scarborough is a bad guy, and it’s hard to see why Gary Condit became a national obsession while he became a millionaire pundit. HOWEVER, there’s no evidence of foul play, and he doesn’t deserve to have this follow him around.


John 04.14.05 at 2:24 pm

“Conservatives in the House of Representatives once again passed legislation to repeal the Estate Tax. The repeal of this tax helps only the wealthiest among us. Most Americans won’t be affected.”

Sure they will: they’ll have to make up the difference. The Rethuglican campaign against wage earners continues apace.


Jim 04.14.05 at 2:25 pm

Subsitute the word “Jew” for each time he uses “elite.” That is, after all, what he actually means.


Walt Pohl 04.14.05 at 5:25 pm

And Thomas is also right to point out that random commentators on Crooked Timber’s comment site are as influential as a pundit with his own TV show. Tremble before the mighty power of the CT comment board!


Thomas 04.14.05 at 10:59 pm

Walt, perhaps we could weigh the seriousness of the charge and the influence of the pundit, assign a mathematical score to each and use a formula to weigh the various offenses (x times y equals z, with x representing the seriousness, y the influence and z the reprehensibility of the accusation). For example, on a 10 point scale: False accusation that one’s political opponents “hate Jesus” is a 1, with publication of that viewpoint on a MSNBC television show is a 3, and the reprehensibility of the conduct is 3. False accusation that someone is a murderer/necrophiliac is a 10, with publication in USA Today, the NY Times and on ABC News a 9 (we’ll save 10 for Drudge), giving a reprehensibility score of 90. And the false accusation that Joe is a murderer is, say, a 9, published in the CT comments a 1, for a score of 9. By my (admittedly imperfect) scoring, that makes the conduct here worse than Joe’s conduct on MSNBC.


VJ 04.15.05 at 2:55 am

Umm, I’m sorry, I was in direct contact with several medical investigators working with the media on the story behind Lori Klausutis’ unexplained death. There was simply nothing wrong with her as far as I can recall. She was in the peak of health, a runner, a well rounded and proud mom who had just had a medical exam prior to her untimely demise. The autopsy WAS botched, there can be no doubt about that. There were media stories on it, the APJ covered it, but few others followed up. They are the ruling elites (for real) so no one much questions what goes on, right? As long as it’s the R’s with all the dead bodies there need NEVER be any serious questions asked, OK. That’s the deal here. Had this been say Condit, he would have been laughed off of TV by now. Think about it! But yeah, it’s always safe to assume that no one here ever knows what they are talking about, that’s the MSNBC standard anyway, right?

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