The website “Sign and Sight”: (an English-language version of “Perlentaucher”: ) is a year old, and I’ve only just noticed it. There’s lots of excellent stuff there, including “a piece by Friedrich Christian Delius on the state of Italy”: , which tells us, inter alia, that the World Bank ranked the Italian legal system 135th/136 (just ahead of Guatemala!) for effectiveness:
bq. The main reason is that the limitation period for crimes continues to run after a trial has opened, and even after a verdict has been passed, right up until the final day of the final instance. Consequently lawyers try to prolong legal proceedings as long as possible. In 2004 alone 210,000 cases fell under the statute of limitations. The perfect scenario for well-off defendants to get away scot-free. Berlusconi himself has profited this way several times.
bq. A well-governed state might have an interest in changing this state of affairs, for example by introducing the usual procedure of suspending the statute of limitations when a trial begins. The governing majority has indeed gathered the energy to make changes, but in an unexpectedly creative way. The limitation periods have now been considerably shortened, from fifteen to seven and a half years, specifically for economic crimes and corruption. There will be no more sentences for the top ten thousand criminals, Mafiosi, corrupt politicians.
There’s much much more.
otto 04.08.06 at 8:08 am
The idea that there’s something Brussels can do about this is the rather charming delusion of this interesting piece. It means nothing more than, I call upon Apollo in our hour of need!
Henry 04.08.06 at 11:09 am
Not entirely true Otto. Brussels’ powers are limited, but they can restrain the Italian government in certain respects. See further Vincent della Sala, “Hollowing Out and Hardening the State: European Integration and the Italian Economy,” West European Politics (1997)
Kappelmeister 04.08.06 at 12:55 pm
Can anyone point me to the source of these statistics – the 2004 World Bank publication? It may be profitable to scrutinize their statistics and see exactly what method produced them.
Robin 04.08.06 at 2:33 pm
It is a great site, and you have to love the pun on Sein und Zeit.
Seth Edenbaum 04.08.06 at 2:44 pm
Claudio Magris, from the same source
I last line rings true for my own stupid country
Bob B 04.08.06 at 3:04 pm
I know little about Italy or the World Bank’s ranking of the effectiveness of Italy’s legal system. By long-standing repute in Europe, Italy has unusually dodgy politics:
“Last year [2003], Italy’s highest court acquitted Mr Andreotti of charges [that] he ordered the Mafia killing of a journalist in 1979, in a separate Mafia-related case.”
That is fortunate as it would have added an extra dimension: Mr Andreotti served as prime minister seven times and is now a life senator. Another past prime minister was not so fortunate:
“Former Italian prime minister Bettino Craxi, who has died in Tunisia aged 65, was a key figure in post-war Italian politics and the upheaval of the bribery scandals of the early 1990s which sent him out of power.
“He was Italy’s longest-serving post-war prime minister, heading two successive administrations between 1983 and 1987, a remarkable achievement in a country known for a high turnover of governments.”
As for Italy’s economy, this OECD Economic Survey of Italy 2005: Policy Brief is illuminating on the main issues:
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