Sunday photoblogging: Redcliffe flats from Gaol Ferry Bridge

by Chris Bertram on December 4, 2016

I’ve posted similar shots before, but at a different focal length.

Redcliffe Flats from Gaol Ferry Bridge



Monte Davis 12.04.16 at 4:27 pm


Dave 12.05.16 at 3:51 am

Lovely. New camera?


Chris Bertram 12.05.16 at 12:56 pm

Yes, after much hesitation, I got a Panasonic GX80 (GX85 in N America) as I regretted getting rid of my earlier Micro 4/3 camera, an Olympus EP1. Bought a couple of lenses, the Panasonic 20mm f.1.7 and the Olympus 45mm f1.8 (this is with the former). I now need to sell some cameras as I have too many.


Peter Westwood 12.05.16 at 1:16 pm

Do I see chemtrails?
Does that make me a conspracy theorist?
Oh dear.

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