UK – home of e-democracy II

by Maria on March 18, 2004

Good news – MySociety, the people who brought us the excellent Downing Street Says, have just been awarded £250,000 by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister following a bid they made with the West Sussex County Council.

Details of exactly how the money will be spent aren’t yet available, but Tom Steinberg hopes it will allow MySociety to start building the projects they selected before Christmas from hundreds of proposals. The lucky winners are intended to strengthen the voluntary sector and the democratic process;

GiveItAway – Lowering the barriers to giving stuff away, instead of throwing it away.

PledgeBank – Want to help a cause, but worried that your effort will make no difference?

FaxYourRepresentative – goes 21st century

NotApathetic – Don’t want to vote, but also not apathetic? Let them know why.

YourConstituencyMailingList – Want to hear from your MP & discuss what they say?

Congratulations to everyone at MySociety – it couldn’t happen to nicer people.