John and Belle

by Chris Bertram on March 4, 2004

“John Holbo and Belle Waring”: have now finished their week of guest blogging with us, so I think it appropriate to say how much fun it was to have them around. With reflections on Sesame Street, the English murder-mystery, Chinese-Italian (or should that be Italian-Chinese) cuisine from Belle and on the changing experience of blogging, the FMA and conservatives in academia from John — we at CT have certainly done well from having them on board. (You can check out those posts again by clicking on the little squiggly thing next to “Guest Bloggers” on the LH sidebar.) I hope we’ll be seeing them again some time soon, but in the meantime be sure to visit their blog regularly.



bryan 03.04.04 at 8:35 pm

I like john, although his posts are rather short in comparison to my long comments, I suppose that all will balance out in the end.


John Quiggin 03.04.04 at 9:00 pm

I enjoyed the visit, particularly Belle’s tale of old times in the South. CT seems to specialise in bloggers from the periphery.

Y’all come again soon, cobbers!

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