Ted Wragg is dead

by Harry on November 11, 2005

Ted Wragg is dead, aged 67. Guardian obituary is here. I never met Ted, only once spying him across the table at a long meeting, but I read his columns in the TES from my early teens, and was always struck by the nice combination of ironic humour and passionate concern. He was prolific and energetic, funny (he sometimes contributed jokes for Bremner, and the News Huddlines) and always ready to puncture the presumptions of the powerful. The obit says that an email address has been set up for messages of condolence at education@exeter.ac.uk
I know one should not speak ill of the dead, but I suspect he is one of the culprits (along with others I shan’t mention) for the tendency of education policymakers and even academics in the UK to indulge in excessive football analogies. A very sad loss.