Beyond Broadcast

by Eszter Hargittai on May 12, 2006

Berkman in Second Life
Today (Friday), the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at the Harvard Law School is hosting a conference on Reinventing Public Media in a Participatory Culture. In addition to the face-to-face discussions, the conference is also integrating digital media in neat ways for participation by those who can’t be at the meeting physically. For example, there is a Berkman Island (including a 3D replica of the Ames Courtroom at the Harvard Law School) in Second Life. If you get a chance, come join us, it looks like there will be some very interesting presentations and discussions.

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Ascription is an Anathema to any Enthusiasm » Blog Archive » Emigrants Who Refuse to be Assimilated
05.12.06 at 9:30 am

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Christopher Ball 05.12.06 at 9:32 am

Prof. Boyle asserted that encyclopedias are not used much but that people get their data from Google on the internet, and implies that it is just as accurate. But how do we know that? Nature found that Encyclopaedia Britannica‘s website had a third fewer errors than Wikipedia, but there were some problems with the methodology (acccuracy was decided by unverified expert claims, not other documentation).

Do we really believe that the search engines on the internet yield as accurate results as encyclopedias? Does Boyle? If a student submitted an essay based not on citations from printed books and law journals but on internet sites found by search engines, would he accept it as he would one that did rely on printed material?

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