The research process and academia explained

by Eszter Hargittai on August 2, 2013

Some genuine LOL moments from this compilation of mini videos. Only click through if you don’t mind killing some time as there are enough gems in there to keep you scrolling. Bonus points to the editors for including several turtle clips (seriously folks, it’s not all about cats and dogs).



Russell Arben Fox 08.02.13 at 1:03 pm

My favorite it is “Supervisor still uses word 97,” but that’s possibly self-interested, since I still use Word Perfect.


marcel 08.02.13 at 2:13 pm

Yes, WordPerfect X6 (but only because WP X4did not play well with MS Outlook after my machine was re-imaged).

WP does not assume that it knows better than you and I haven’t been able to figure out how to get the equation editor in MS Word 2010 to do anything I want, unlike the one in Word Perfect.


Jerry Vinokurov 08.02.13 at 6:03 pm

If you’re not using LaTeX, you might as well be chiseling cuneiform onto clay tablets.

Just kidding.

But not entirely.


Anand Sarwate 08.02.13 at 10:43 pm

I’m with Jerry on this one. I had to use EndNote on a project recently (a review paper no less!) and wanted to gouge my eyeballs out.


Alan 08.03.13 at 12:02 am

Methodology: before scrolling down to each video, take a healthy sip of a good Australian red.

Hypothesis: you will have to clean your monitor at least a half-dozen times before you’re done.


John Quiggin 08.03.13 at 1:54 am

Only click through if you don’t mind killing some time

You had to add that, didn’t you, Eszter?

With an impending deadline I might have skipped this post without that piece of catnip. Now, I’ll spend the next six hours working out how to set up Vine and where to buy turtles.


Eszter Hargittai 08.03.13 at 12:40 pm

Alan, good one.:) (I take no responsibility for ruined monitors though.)

John, I felt I had to be honest or I would’ve felt guilty. (Alternatively: I suspected some people may need that little additional push and was convinced people owed it to themselves to click through.:) Looking forward to your turtle-starring mini videos explaining the intricacies of economic policy.

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