by Harry on April 11, 2014
Sue Townsend is also dead. Guardian obit here. I have a small supply of Adrian Mole books, which I give to students (even if, sometimes, I don’t know them well) who have prolonged illnesses — or sometimes just to cheer them up. I have no idea whether it works for them, but it pretty much always works for me.
by Harry on April 11, 2014
Richard Hoggart is dead, at 95. BBC obit here; Guardian obit here. His first book, The Uses of Literacy
is still in print after 58 years. I was struck by this para from the Guardian obit:
Late in life he wondered if his readiness to serve on committees was a byproduct of a childhood that had left him “unusually glad to find myself wanted”. Yet he was sceptical about the idea that these compulsions had stopped him from producing another Uses of Literacy. “Did you really expect that I would?” he asked an interviewer. “I didn’t. That’s the sort of book that – if you’re lucky – you can write once in a lifetime.”