Sunday photoblogging: East Street seagull

by Chris Bertram on August 6, 2023

East Street seagull



Brian 08.07.23 at 5:08 am

Now that’s a shot!


notGoodenough 08.07.23 at 8:08 am

Very impressive! Deliberate intention, or happy coincidence?


Barry 08.07.23 at 9:13 am

Great shot!


Dave 08.07.23 at 2:42 pm

Oof, what an incredible composition.


Chris Bertram 08.07.23 at 3:27 pm

@notGoodenough: a combination of the two. It was sitting on the bin at the right of the frame, but when I approached to take its photo, it took flight.


notGoodenough 08.07.23 at 5:26 pm

@Chris Bertram

Thanks for indulging my curiosity!

The thought occurs that I don’t remember having said this before, so I’ll take the opportunity now to thank you for the photoblogging – I very much appreciate your sharing these, and always enjoy seeing the striking images.


Chris Bertram 08.07.23 at 7:21 pm

Thanks! I like it when people like, as it were.


Alan White 08.07.23 at 8:05 pm

I’m a big fan of serendipity of taking shots, I think as you know Chris. I haven’t done a good job of updating my Flickr, but here’s an oldie of mine illustrating serendipity:


engels 08.10.23 at 10:55 pm

Great photo, horrible birds.


engels 08.16.23 at 12:06 pm

Be very afraid:

…Snatching food directly from humans is a relatively recent phenomenon. “It used to be confined to certain parts of Cornwall and Jersey, but it seems to be spreading,” Rock says. “The capital of food-snatching is St Ives in Cornwall, and they are absolute experts at it.” He believes their tactics have been getting more sophisticated over time. “Some of them are working in pairs. One will fly at you, looking like it’s going to snatch your pasty or ice-cream, and as you move your arm away the other one will fly at you and snatch it from behind,” Rock says…

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