Sunday photo(meta)blogging

by Chris Bertram on February 2, 2025

One of my Sunday routines is usually to post a photo here. Sometimes that’s easy, since I’ve taken something in the past few days, and sometimes that involves trawling through my archive to select something, sometimes from years ago. One problem with that is that there are just so many photos, and it is hard to keep track of everything I’ve posted here in order to avoid duplicates. It would be easier if I had enough discipline to put each photo selected in my Sunday Photoblogging album at Flickr, but I can neglect doing that for weeks, months, and even years at a time. So I’ve spent much of today going through Crooked Timber and making sure that all those photos are in that album. Well, it turns out there are 467 of them, which is an awful lot of Sundays. Quite an instructive exercise for me: there are some I like a lot, and others where I wonder why I selected it at all. There are influences I can detect such as Kertesz, Leiter, Gruyaert (not that I’m fit to be mentioned in the same sentence) but also E. Chambré Hardman, who use of natural frames I’ve often copied. Anyway: here’s the complete set, assuming I haven’t missed any out, which I probably have.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }


John Q 02.02.25 at 7:03 pm

I’ll really enjoy looking through these. It might even get me back to long-planned project of learning about photographic composition


Alan White 02.03.25 at 12:18 am

Thank you Chris. You do have a talented eye, and I really appreciate your work.


Seekonk 02.03.25 at 5:18 am

Thank you!!

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