Michael Burawoy has died

by Harry on February 5, 2025

The eminent sociologist Michael Burawoy died on Monday, after being hit by a car while walking near near his home. I’ve found a couple of tributes: this from Marta Soler Gallart which tells a story I didn’t know but surprises me not in the least, and this from Oleg Komlik. There’ll be loads of tributes to his remarkable intellectual contributions, and I’ll have nothing to add to them. So I’ll just say this. I didn’t know Michael that well really, but he was a very close friend of my very close friend Erik Olin Wright, so over many years I saw him briefly, and occasionally, always in the most convivial of circumstances. I discovered very quickly that I adored him and his company. He was generous and kind to treat me as an equal — he probably did that to everyone. I loved that somebody could combine a level of energy even into his seventies that I, personally, have never had, with a commitment and passion for all the right things and still give the sense of being permanently slightly amused with the world. When he and Gay Seidman were preparing the memorial volume for Erik Olin Wright, Michael was determined that I would contribute, despite being a complete outlier intellectually. I was resistant to writing a contribution (because an outlier and not thinking I had much to say), and Michael pressed me to write an essay which, in the end, I was really proud of. I realized after I’d finished it that he knew I’d produce something good, but that the reason he had pressed me was that he predicted (I’m sure correctly) that if I didn’t contribute I would regret it.

A great intellectual, yes, but I hope the tributes place that second to the fact that he was a lovely, generous, man.



Seán Ó Riain 02.05.25 at 3:57 pm

Hit the nail on the head, thank you.
Even though I’m pretty sure it isn’t the case, I would love to think that Erik is waiting somewhere for Michael with a few points that he’s been meaning to discuss with him.


RobinM 02.05.25 at 5:02 pm

I can’t quite believe it. I’ve known Michael for many years. We first met in Przeworski’s famous seminar at the University of Chicago. Not so long after that, I remember talking over with him how he ought to respond to Shil’s notorious letter of “recommendation.” We travelled from Berkeley to a Sociology meeting in San Francisco on BART, joking about how many volumes of Capital he would say to the audience for one of his earliest presentations were necessary reading–this was, I think, the year before he joined the Berkeley faculty. In Madison, I heard him discourse on Russia’s implosion. In later years, he was always so much on the go it was hard to keep up with him. I’m so very sorry he’s gone–gone in such a dreadful way. My world is much diminished. robert


engels 02.05.25 at 5:52 pm

What terrible news.


Jack n. Porter 02.06.25 at 3:28 am

While I may have disagreed on some issues, we have lost a great sociologist.

This is the second person I knew killed or injured crossing a street in Oakland. The other was activist Ksiel Willy Sztundel.
Also Jerry Rubin was killed crossing a street in LA. But he walked outside the lines.

May his memory be a blessing

Jack nusan Porter
The Davis Center
Harvard University


SFO 02.07.25 at 1:52 pm

Terrifying that motorists around here value their time more than others’ lives.


Emma H 02.08.25 at 1:20 am

I’m not familiar with Burawoy’s work, but I am an Oaklander and too familiar for the lack of care demonstrated by Oakland drivers, who will murder over a score of people (if trends hold) this year. Oakland’s car culture is soaked in the blood of cyclists and pedestrians.

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