According to the blog Non Prophet, James Dobson’s socially conservative activist group, Focus on the Family, has included Michael Moore’s home address in their daily email to supporters.
What legitimate purpose could this possibly serve? What have Moore’s neighbors, wife and daughter done to merit the danger that FOTF have foolishly put them in? Simply disgusting.
UPDATE: Several commentors have noted that this hasn’t been independently confirmed, which is fair. I’m calling Focus on the Family this morning to see if they can confirm or deny it; stay tuned.
ANOTHER UPDATE: This is for real. I’ve just spoken to a representative of Focus on the Family who has confirmed that Focus on the Family did, indeed, give out Moore’s home address. The person that I spoke to didn’t want to be quoted. I’ve asked the media relations department to see if they have any comment that they are willing to make, and I’ll update with any comment that they have.
Jonathan 07.01.04 at 12:32 am
This really is horrific, if it’s true. I couldn’t find the email on question anywhere on the Citizen-Link web site, but if it’s from today, it may just not be up yet. I’d like to see it corroborated. I’d appreciate seeing it linked somewhere. Barring that, if any individuals have it, I’d appreciate having it forwarded to me.
Jonathan 07.01.04 at 12:56 am
Update: I’ve obtained a copy of today’s email, “Citizen-Link”, the one that Non Prophet says contained Mr. Moore’s home address. It’s not there, nor do I see any reference to him or his film.
Perhaps it came in a different newsletter or on a different day? I’m not finding it anywhere as of now.
mjones 07.01.04 at 1:06 am
Kill them all and let god sort it out?
ucblockhead 07.01.04 at 1:26 am
How many remember the stunt for his old TV show where Moore mounted a camera pointed at Linda Tripp’s front window and left it on 24/7 (with worldwide access on his website.)
ucblockhead 07.01.04 at 1:30 am
Oops…Lucy Goldberg that is.
RD 07.01.04 at 2:04 am
Hey, Moore wants to run with the big dogs. He’s supposedly laughing all the way to the bank. He should welcome a little input, might be fodder for his next regurgitation.
Adam Kotsko 07.01.04 at 3:28 am
I think that Focus on the Family is hoping that some of its supporters will physically intimidate Mr. Moore in some way, or they are hoping the mere presence of his address will be tantamount to physical intimidation — giving all the good Christians out there fantasies about those real wackos who are harrassing Michael Moore.
ShelaghC 07.01.04 at 4:29 am
Focus on the Family’s Toll Free number is:
I would recommend everyone who reads this blog make a point of calling this organization and telling them just how disgusting this sort of practice is.
Do they realize that they could very well have put Michael Moore’s family in mortal peril from those who disagree with his views? Or do they not even care?
Jake McGuire 07.01.04 at 7:29 am
How many people here were outraged when those people camped out on Karl Rove’s front lawn? Or when Moore went to Charlton Heston’s house to “interview” him for Bowling For Columbine?
James Russell 07.01.04 at 10:16 am
Has Moore targeted FOTF in any way that would entitle them to target him (if that’s what they’re doing) in return?
Tom H. 07.01.04 at 10:18 am
Too bad FOTF has to stoop that low. Of course they want someone to intimidate Moore and his family. Why else put it in there? It’s not like they are going to ask for autographs. This is pretty sad, but typical of the right these days.
Tom H. 07.01.04 at 10:26 am
Too bad FOTF has to stoop that low. Of course they want someone to intimidate Moore and his family. Why else put it in there? It’s not like they are going to ask for autographs. This is pretty sad, but typical of the right these days.
John 07.01.04 at 11:06 am
“How many people here were outraged when those people camped out on Karl Rove’s front lawn? Or when Moore went to Charlton Heston’s house to “interview†him for Bowling For Columbine?”
Christians are supposed to be better. They are supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard. They are supposed to actually do more than give idle lip service to what Jesus said. They don’t, though.
Mr Ripley 07.01.04 at 12:23 pm
I’m trying to find the basis of a parallel between a guy’s going to Charlton Heston’s home to interview him and an organization’s including a guy’s home address in a denunciation of him they send to their thousands of like-minded supporters in an implicit call for action. My head hurts.
Kevin Donoghue 07.01.04 at 2:23 pm
Maybe my recollection of Bowling for Columbine is faulty or maybe some relevant facts were omitted, but for what it’s worth:
Moore telephoned Heston saying (truthfully?) that he was an NRA member and documentary film-maker who would like to interview him. Heston consented. It was just an interview, not an “interview.â€
Joe M. 07.01.04 at 2:39 pm
Does it matter to any of the posters here that there’s a good chance that the story is false? Read the first two posts again.
Jonathan 07.01.04 at 2:46 pm
I’m still skeptical as to whether the alleged address publication actually occurred. I’ve read yesterday’s Citizen-Link email, and browsed all the recent archives. I’ve also run google searches on various parts of the text of the alleged email, and come up with nothing.
I’ve left comments on Non Prophet’s blog asking for him to forward me the email he got, and to cite more explicitly where it came from (there’s a very strong implication, but not an explicit statement, that it’s from yesterday’s Citizen-Link). I haven’t heard back yet. Does anyone know an email address for Non Prophet?
I’ve also emailed Focus on the Family, asking for them merely to confirm or deny that they sent Michael Moore’s home address to email newsletter subscribers. I’ll post any updates on my blog. There’s a post there now that says more or less the same thing this comment does, but somewhat more thoroughly and longwindedly.
EricinTX 07.01.04 at 4:41 pm
The guys at Americablog (google it, first hit) subscribe to this newsletter. They should be able to confirm independently.
harry 07.01.04 at 4:54 pm
bq. How many people here were outraged when those people camped out on Karl Rove’s front lawn? Or when Moore went to Charlton Heston’s house to “interview†him for Bowling For Columbine?
Yep, outraged by people doing that to Karl Rove (have to admit, though, there are limits to my outrage — I’d admire people doing it to Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Stalin, though I would hope they wouldn’t).
The interview seems fair game, though, assuming Heston was asked for an interview. Just like any other political activist, someone wants to interview you in your house, you check them out, and if you don’t it’s your funeral.
Non Prophet 07.01.04 at 5:03 pm
I posted the entire e-mail in the comments section of my blog. This is real.
I need someone else to verify PLEASE.
Ted Barlow 07.01.04 at 5:06 pm
Re: outrage, I’m with Harry. It was seriously abusive to camp out on Rove’s lawn, but I don’t see anything wrong with Moore interviewing Heston.
I called Focus on the Family about two and a half hours ago and talked to a nice man named Mark. I read him the purported email, told him where I found it. He couldn’t confirm or deny it, although he said that it didn’t seem like the sort of thing that they’d send out. He’s promised to call me back; I’ll call again in an hour if I don’t hear from him.
I’ve also emailed Non Prophet to ask for a copy of the email. No response yet. (The guy doesn’t post his email address, which contains his real name, so I’m not going to give it out either.) If I’ve been taken in by a hoax, I’ll owe FOTF a big apology.
Non Prophet 07.01.04 at 5:10 pm
I called FOTF and they verified for me after only a short hold time. Of course I broke the story, so someone else has to do the same.
Ted Barlow 07.01.04 at 5:21 pm
I’ve just gotten it confirmed by a representative of FOTF. See the new update.
Jonathan 07.01.04 at 5:32 pm
Thanks for following up on that, Ted and Non Prophet.
Carl Nyberg 07.01.04 at 6:21 pm
I predict we are entering a period of political violence (assassinations). In addition to politicians and political leaders, media figures will be targeted.
adam greenfield 07.01.04 at 6:24 pm
How many were outraged at the Heston sequence of BFC? Well, I was…maybe “outrage” is a little string. I thought it was in bad taste, proved nothing, and was by far the weakest part of a not-particularly-strong chain of argument.
This, however, is beyond the pale. It clearly puts the lives of Moore’s family in danger – and if you think that’s hyperbole, sample only a little of the invective aimed his way. “Focus on the Family” indeed. Disgusting.
Captain Obvious 07.01.04 at 6:28 pm
I’m sure it’s completely harmless, like when these ‘Christian’ groups post addresses of physicians who perform abortions.
lordwhorfin 07.01.04 at 6:34 pm
Heston consented to talk to Moore, who exploited that opening and badgered an ill, older man. It was the absolutely weakest point in BFC.
But Heston *consented* to discuss the NRA with a well-known NRA member and critic. If Moore had NOT pulled the photo stunt, the discussion with Heston (including Heston’s comments about ‘ethnicity problems’ in the US), the interview would have been both damning and quite fair.
Sending Moore’s home address out to a list of his bitter enemies is an attempt (lame) to intimidate him. I bet Mike can find a way to turn the thing to his own advantage, only if no one harms him, and Dobson has NO WAY of knowing who might.
Evan 07.01.04 at 6:34 pm
When Moore pointed his camera at that window, or when those people camped on Rove’s lawn – did either of those include an address & an implicit invitation for every cranky nutjob in the US to come by & act out their nutjob revenge fantasies?
TW 07.01.04 at 6:34 pm
Hm. Couldn’t sending Moore’s home address out like this constitute an implied “terroristic threat?” Maybe FOTF should get a little visit from the FBI, lose whatever tax exempt status they have, etc.
Or, in other words, they should be harassed legally.
arthur 07.01.04 at 6:43 pm
Of course they had to publish the home address. That’s the only for their members to, well, Focus on the Family.
bunny 07.01.04 at 6:45 pm
I don’t recall Moore publishing Heston’s home address after doing the interview for BFC. I don’t see how you can compare the two.
Michael Waddell 07.01.04 at 6:46 pm
I just called, and they confirmed. I politely told them I disapproved of this tactic, and that I thought it invited harrassment. If we all called, it might make an impact.
eek 07.01.04 at 6:47 pm
I’m no Moore fan, but Chuck Heston is the PRESIDENT OF THE NRA. If he can’t defend himself against some two-bit film maker, then the NRA needs to find a new president.
Instead, we have these apologists mad that someone exposed their incompetance. Shite, get someone competent.
RushBush 07.01.04 at 6:50 pm
I can’t wait for the first GOoper to say something stupid like, “Of course we believe in free speech. Mister Moore has a right to make a movie spreading his blame-America-first lies about our great country, and at the same time we have a first amendment right to send his home address to every nutjob on the planet in hopes that somebody has the gonads to murder this sociopath.”
Ever since last year’s Oscar Speech, I have feared for Michael Moore’s safety. No doubt he’s been aware that more than a few people would love to take him out. You’d assume he has some contingencies worked out for this type of thing.
Sandy 07.01.04 at 6:50 pm
What about the protestors who camped out on Ken Starr’s front lawn during the Clinton hearings? I’m sorry, but “Christians are supposed to be better” doesn’t cut it as a defense when a) you’ve done it, and b) you claim to be more tolerant than others.
I hate Christians, but I just see them as stooping down to join you lot on this one. It doesn’t make me like them any better, but the horror expressed here is lacking a certain amount of self-reflection.
Jeff 07.01.04 at 6:53 pm
Hmm, I seem to recall my pal Bill O’Reilly repeatedly saying that “you don’t justify bad behavior by pointing at other bad behavior.” Several people here seem to be making the argument that because Michael Moore has become a public figure (in large part by pointing out the hypocrisy of the powerful in our society), it’s fine to put his family in danger. Yes, Heston consented to the interview in BFC, and no, I don’t recall Moore showing us how to get to his house. IMHO, there is nothing particularly Christian, democratic, or family-valued about encouraging personal intimidation and creating a dangerous situation for the family of a person with whom you disagree politically. But maybe that’s just me.
Kaus Hackula 07.01.04 at 6:54 pm
Given how explicitely, rabidly anti-family Moore’s movie was, this action seems entirely appropriate.
Constantine 07.01.04 at 6:54 pm
I’m as liberal as they come, but, seriously, what’s the problem with this? It’s not in any way “out of the ordinary” for various interest groups to invite readers to “tell so-and-so what you think,” followed by a release of their phone number and/or address. Heck, the fact that Michael Moore is a registered voter means that this is relatively public information.
Now, why “Focus on the Family” has some sort of beef with Fahrenheit 911 is beyond me. It seems that this stunt falls outside their “mission statement.”
Kaus Hackula 07.01.04 at 6:57 pm
I think where “Focus on the Family” comes in is, Moore’s movie spends quite a bit of time mocking the deep family connections between the Bush and Bin Laden families, thereby undermining the sanctity of families in general.
RushBush 07.01.04 at 6:58 pm
In response to FOTF’s helpful efforts to publish Michael Moore’s whereabouts, I propose that Moore go on a nationwide tour, staying at the home of a different supporter every night. And publicize it, that’s the key, ya know, “tonight Moore will be at the home of Mr. Bush at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C.” In other words, defiantly throw this shit right back in their god damned faces and basically challenge them to keep following Moore from one supporter’s home to the next.
jennie 07.01.04 at 6:59 pm
I just contacted FOTF and they advised that Moore’s personal info was received from State Morgage Records as well as Federal Election Commission Records.
I asked where to submit a request to receive Dobbson’s home address and he told me to use the same resources as they did.
Well, I figured that a fax to them would be more appropriate… so here is FOTF’s fax number:
Anon 07.01.04 at 7:04 pm
Focus on the Family ?
Or more like
F*ck us, we’re the fascists?
NO MSG 07.01.04 at 7:06 pm
Regarding Charleton Heston, remember how Moore found his place? It was using one of those star maps. Dozens of tourists find it the same way every day. By living where he does, Heston compromises his own anonymity. If he didn’t want his address to be public domain, he should keep out of Hollywood.
Thersites 07.01.04 at 7:06 pm
“What about the protestors who camped out on Ken Starr’s front lawn during the Clinton hearings? I’m sorry, but “Christians are supposed to be better†doesn’t cut it as a defense when a) you’ve done it, and b) you claim to be more tolerant than others.”
I beg your pardon, but “I” didn’t do that. I can’t be sure but I don’t think “we” did either. If you can find someone who did do that you can address them.
And yes, public figures should be contacted, held to account, etc. But usually this is done at their offices.
As for whether or not FOTF did a good thing or not, maybe we could contact a doctor who performs abortions and ask her?
sUbversive 07.01.04 at 7:07 pm
Sweet! Our very own clerics issuing fatwas! It’s about goddamn time.
Ted Barlow 07.01.04 at 7:08 pm
=Many groups invite members to tell some public figure what they think, but there’s a decent way and an indecent way to do it. If they had provided Moore’s email address and/or office address, that would have been one thing. Sending out the home address, on the other hand, is an invitation to harrassment and bullying. If we can trust the Godfather II, even the Mafia doesn’t do that. (“In my HOUSE! WHERE MY WIFE AND CHILDREN SLEEP!”) It shouldn’t have happened. If I were another tenant in the building, I’d be outraged; if I were a member of his family, I’d feel seriously threatened.
It’s wrong to harass law-abiding people with whom we don’t agree in their homes. Period. I’m ashamed when people on my side do it. It doesn’t make it OK for FOTF to dabble in it.
lisa 07.01.04 at 7:12 pm
Did Moore send people to Karl Rove’s house? If not, then this is not germane to this particular issue.
And how exactly is Moore’s movie anti-family? Or is that a satirical comment? It’s hard to tell nowawdays what is satire and what is wing-nuttery.
This is why Michael Moore has hired bodyguards. I doubt it will catch him by surprise.
But, really, let’s acknowledge that right-wing Christians claim to be morally superior, and so doing this sort of thing just furthers their claim to the title of Hypocritical Assholes of the Universe. That and killing abortion providers…denying communion to Kerry but protecting pedophilic priests…etc, etc., etc.
nick 07.01.04 at 7:18 pm
It’s not in any way “out of the ordinary†for various interest groups to invite readers to “tell so-and-so what you think,†followed by a release of their phone number and/or address.
Office phone numbers, sure. Home numbers? That’s fucking disgusting.
Wayne 07.01.04 at 7:19 pm
I just called the number and “John” said FOTF didn’t send any email out with Moore’s address.
This is going to get very interesting.
Jon 07.01.04 at 7:19 pm
As a Christian I have very little concern about what Mr Moore may have done that would be comparable to this but FOTF should think twice about if this represents what Jesus would want them to be about doing. What kind of message does this send to a world we Christians are trying to reach when we resort to some of the same tactics if you will that they do (I know that will raise hackles with some but I think most understand my point). Shame on FOTF if this is true.
Wayne 07.01.04 at 7:20 pm
I just called the number and “John” said FOTF didn’t send any email out with Moore’s address.
This is going to get very interesting.
J2 07.01.04 at 7:21 pm
no doubt moore already had some
plan for crazies showing up to
his house, i would think they
will be fine.
the movie is already out
the truth is out
thank you michael moore.
as for the crazies
they can listen and learn or go fuck themselves
Michael Hawthorne 07.01.04 at 7:26 pm
Please, please, please…
Don’t lump all Christians into followers of Dobson (or Robertson or Falwell or all those other “Religious Extremists”.)
I personally see quite a difference between Christian spirituality (a relationship with God) and Religion (an organized movement which purports to take the Word of God and warp it to their own purposes, confusing and shaming their sheep into following them).
Some Christians actually still believe in love for your fellow man (even if you don’t really like him), a global human family, “Do unto others…, and the SPIRIT of the teachings of God and Jesus Christ.
James Dobson DOES NOT speak or act for me!!
Ted Barlow 07.01.04 at 7:28 pm
Any posts that contain someone’s home address will be deleted as soon as I see them. Use your heads, folks.
neff 07.01.04 at 7:28 pm
This is for real. I have a subscription to their newsletter (so I can keep an eye on ’em) and sure enough, Michael’s address is right after the third paragraph.
Those fascists.
neff 07.01.04 at 7:30 pm
This is for real. I have a subscription to their newsletter (so I can keep an eye on ’em) and sure enough, Michael’s address is right after the third paragraph.
Those fascists.
working class 07.01.04 at 7:32 pm
i spoke to fotf and they confirmed it to me, as well. i let them know my objections and told them i would wait until their public statement before making any judgements on their motive. regardless of their motive, though, this practice is pretty despicable. i don’t care who does it. i can’t think of any other reason for doing it than to offer up the opportunity for people to physically harass mike moore and his family. maybe i’m wrong. maybe they weren’t thinking about the consequences of their action. but they should have. mike moore’s only “crime” is to participate in the political discourse. agree or disagree with him to your heart’s content. but he’s not wrong to put his two cents in. we’re supposed to be a fully functioning and mature democracy. this is not the way to go. and if you have the nerve to accept the responsibility of christianity, and the gall to wear it on your sleeve, then you should realize that this type of behavior is beneath you.
Nikki 07.01.04 at 7:33 pm
For Sandy and others who are saying “What about when so-n-so camped on so-n-so’s front lawn?”, there is a difference between protestors gathering at the address, and the address being distributed widely to whomever wants it. When protestors gather, members of the group can be more competently, if not completely, controlled. On an email distribution list, there is NO control because one has no idea who is getting the address and what they will do with it.
No matter how this is spun, FOTF went beyond the pale. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!
J2 07.01.04 at 7:34 pm
by the way – the larger point is:
farenheit9/11 is a patriotic movie
it exposes bush habits as
seriously unfaithful and destructive to our nation.
bush supporters;
if you love america
have the courage to see the movie
and see if there is a gap
between supporting america
and supporting bush without question.
Ted Barlow 07.01.04 at 7:35 pm
Well said, Michael.
Nikki 07.01.04 at 7:36 pm
For Sandy and others who are saying “What about when so-n-so camped on so-n-so’s front lawn?”, there is a difference between protestors gathering at the address, and the address being distributed widely to whomever wants it. When protestors gather, members of the group can be more competently, if not completely, controlled. On an email distribution list, there is NO control because one has no idea who is getting the address and what they will do with it.
No matter how this is spun, FOTF went beyond the pale. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!
And paul taylor, you are ABSOLUTELY NO BETTER!! Stop this shit!
Nikki 07.01.04 at 7:36 pm
For Sandy and others who are saying “What about when so-n-so camped on so-n-so’s front lawn?”, there is a difference between protestors gathering at the address, and the address being distributed widely to whomever wants it. When protestors gather, members of the group can be more competently, if not completely, controlled. On an email distribution list, there is NO control because one has no idea who is getting the address and what they will do with it.
No matter how this is spun, FOTF went beyond the pale. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!
And paul taylor, you are ABSOLUTELY NO BETTER!! Stop this shit!
Br. Pius Pietrzyk, OP 07.01.04 at 7:40 pm
I have to say a liberal frind of mine pointed me to this website on this issue. I must say I found some of the comments very disturbing, as well as the lack of response by the website’s editors.
The comment “I hate Christians” is left unchallenged by any commentator or by those who maintain this site. Would they have so left uncommented upon comments like “I hate Jews” or “I hate Muslims” or “I hate blacks”?
Very sad.
David Ehrenstein 07.01.04 at 7:40 pm
Michael Moore is quite capable of taking care of himself. He didn’t acquire enemies like this overnight, you know.
As for that much-discussed Heston interview, as others have pointed out Moore is an NRA member and requested an interview in a perfectly straightforward open-and-above-board manner actually happens
in the interview is that Moore asks questions that Heston doesn’t want to answer — and Heston walks out.
There’s been a lot of loosetalk about Moore supposedly badgering a sick old man.But Heston Alzheimer’s diagnosis didn’t emerge until well after the Moore interview. Being a journalist, I’ve met Charlton Heston several times prior to the Alzheimer’s onset and he was exactly the way he was with Moore. Just prior to the Alzheimer’s announcement there was a Motion Picture Academy event at which Heston was present. Only then was it clear that something
dire had happened to him. He could barely stand up and didn’t appear to know where he was. Thankfully, whoever came with him took him home.
In other words not at all the Heston of “Bowling for Columbine”
As for Dobson and his “Fetus on the Family” group, he obviously believes that Michael Moore is a gay abortion doctor.
J2 07.01.04 at 7:44 pm
no doubt moore already had some
plan for crazies showing up to
his house, i would think they
will be fine.
Christopher Brandow 07.01.04 at 7:44 pm
you shouldn’t have posted their addresses. I just called FOTF and complained. If it was wrong for them to post MM’s address, it is wrong to post theirs as well. Fortunately, fewer will be reading these comments, but that was still wrong.
J2 07.01.04 at 7:49 pm
Br. Pius Pietrzyk, OP
you are free to further respond.
RushBush 07.01.04 at 7:51 pm
Christopher Brandow, what are you referring to re: “… it is wrong to post theirs as well”?
Johnny Ryall 07.01.04 at 7:54 pm
My favorite stunt on TV Nation was when Moore put a gate on the road coming OUT of Arlington Heights, Ill., after the city council voted it to be a gated community and forbade access to anybody who didn’t live there.
steve 07.01.04 at 7:54 pm
Another reminder: Here’s Focus on the Family’s OFFICE phone number, call and complain: 800-232-6459
susan 07.01.04 at 7:57 pm
I just called Focus of the Family and spoke to Nick, and he confirmed that the address was shared via e mail.
He told me that many of FOTF members wanted to communicate with Mr. Moore and this was considered an appropriate way to allow them to contact him.
I told Nick that sharing the address is nothing other than an attempt to encourage people to harass Moore and his family. I also told him that, as FOTF well knows, there are any number of ways to contact Moore without sharing a home address. I told him that this is an ugly, mean, dangerous thing to do, and PROFOUNDLY UN Christian. He politely thanked me for calling.
i,nayshon 07.01.04 at 7:59 pm
How many people here were outraged when those people camped out on Karl Rove’s front lawn? Or when Moore went to Charlton Heston’s house to “interview†him for Bowling For Columbine?
Right on! More to the point, where was Moore when Hitler was killing jews all over Europe? Where was the outrage? Or when Stalin killed millions of Russians for no apparent reason? Or when Willie Horton was furloughed? Bastards.
PS Did anyone realize how frail and old Heston was before the Moore interview? I certainly didn’t. He could have edited it to show that Heston was a racist and left it at that, but no, he took the extraordinary step to show Heston in a sympathetic light. Kudos, Michael. Ambushed interview, my ass.
RushBush 07.01.04 at 8:04 pm
My favorite TV Nation segment was when they rented a house in suburbia, had a guy go out in the middle of the night digging huge holes in the front yard, night after night; and then interviewed neighbors about the guy and they all pretty much described him as, “You know, nice guy, keeps to himself, don’t really notice anything unusual.” Much like the media cliche, when it turns out the neighbor is the serial pedophile, you always get at least one person to proclaim, “We had no idea, he was always nice to us, kept to himself…..”
Kynn Bartlett 07.01.04 at 8:06 pm
Typical right-wing smear and intimidation tactics. I encountered the same thing on a smaller scale when a rabid Republican activist tried to silence me by outing my home address and tax records which falsely claimed my business owed taxes. This went to my clients, my colleagues at the newspaper for which I write a column, local activist groups, and I’m sure to a bunch of angry local right-wingers who now know where my home is. We haven’t felt safe here since a packet of right-wing propaganda was dropped off on my doorstep (labeled “your de-programming kit”).
dofp 07.01.04 at 8:08 pm
For what it’s worth, when Michael Moore was in Toronto last year for the film festival, he sat through a lengthy QA session with film students and the media.
The interview with Heston came up, and Moore said that he had mixed feelings about the interview with Heston because he, himself, had not realized how frail Heston was until he actually went to his home and did the interview. He said he realized, though, that Heston — no matter how frail he is — does represent the NRA (he’s the president, after all) and does make it to NRA events, especially those in-your-face ones they always hold just after kids are shot. That, said Moore, makes him responsible for answering for the NRA’s actions and policies, no matter his age or health.
Byron 07.01.04 at 8:10 pm
I just called Focus on the Family and verified that they DID include Moore’s address in an e-mail to supporters. I told them that was outragous and the only reason to do this was to intimidate Moore.
Ducktape 07.01.04 at 8:10 pm
I hate Christians, but I just see them as stooping down to join you lot on this one.
Who is this “you,” jerkoff? Did Michael Moore publish Dobson’s address? Or anyone’s? Did anyone posting here?
Or is that like us deciding that we can publish your home address because “you lot” published Moore’s?
Fellow Traveler 07.01.04 at 8:12 pm
“The comment “I hate Christians†is left unchallenged”
It’s called “Not feeding the trolls.” Which is what I should be doing now, instead of responding to you.
Kynn Bartlett 07.01.04 at 8:15 pm
I don’t hate Christians, myself. I am one.
Paul Taylor 07.01.04 at 8:21 pm
“And paul taylor, you are ABSOLUTELY NO BETTER!! Stop this shit!”
Actually, I am a great deal better. I have gay friends, and I don’t call them sinners. I don’t promote conservative political causes and candidates using a non-profit ‘ministry’. I do not raise money for said ‘ministry’ in order to foment hate and bigotry under a ‘Christian’ guise. I did not make a big deal out of how much Dobson spent on his home (which Focus on the Family *DOES* do in their informative message with Moore’s address).
Focus on the Family is free to spout it’s hate and bile, as much as I might disagree with it. I only provided a very small, barely measurable amount of balance to it. To keep silent would go against my grain, in this case. A lot of people, throughout history, have been harmed because people remained silent, you know.
soot 07.01.04 at 8:27 pm
FWIT, I just called FOTF to complain and the woman who answered the phone said it was just a contact address and not his home address.
Charlie 07.01.04 at 8:28 pm
Is publishing Moore’s home address an attempt at intimidation? Oh yeah… That doesn’t happen by accident, or without a reason behind it, FOTF’s coy non-response notwithstanding. As for those offended by the hateful sentiments expressed towards Christians in this string: it is of course unfair (and impossibly inaccurate) to paint such a diverse group with one broad stroke. That said, if Christians (or Muslims, or Jews, for that matter), are offended by being lumped in with the most ignorant and bigoted representatives of their faith, THEY should do something about it. Unless YOU speak up, don’t be surprised when outsiders equate all the members of a religion with it’s most outspoken and outrageous spokespeople. As for FOTF’s claim to be a Christian organization – they could take some apolitical cues from the Savior they purport to worship.
dofp 07.01.04 at 8:29 pm
*rofl* at Paul Taylor there. “Some of my best friends are gay!” People still try to slide on that? Oh dear.
Ted Barlow 07.01.04 at 8:33 pm
They said it was a contact address? That’s just absurd. Here’s the relevant portion of the email, copied over from Non Prophet:
Wendy 07.01.04 at 8:35 pm
Spoke with both “Fonda” and “Heidi” (the latter in “correspondence”), who both confirmed FOTF did do this, and that my objection to this act would be “passed along” whatever the hell that means.
on the plus side, they were both just super cheery, and seemed very sincere in hoping I have a great afternoon.
RT 07.01.04 at 8:36 pm
Re: Moore, Karl Rove, Ken Starr
One big initial distinction: there’s a difference between finding someone’s home address and doing something with it yourself, and finding that address and emailing it to nutcases around the world.
That someone else protested on Karl Rove’s front lawn doesn’t give me a head-start in tracking him down. So I’d have to rank the Rove and Starr protests as inherently less offensive than the FotF email. If Dobson and a bunch of others had picketed Moore’s house, without sharing his address on the Web, that would put them in more or less the same position as those who protested on Ken Starr’s lawn.
But I’d distinguish the Rove protesters, in a manner that cuts them more slack. Why? Because the Administration that Rove is one of the key players in, has gone out of its way to render itself immune to protests in the standard venues for protest – at speeches, at summits, and the like. The “free speech zones” (which should be the whole country) have prevented protesters from making themselves visible to administration officials anywhere but their homes. So when the protestors show up at their doors, I feel they had it coming to them.
Ken Starr’s a different matter, of course. I’m assuming that protestors could have picketed his office, and if that was the case, they should have left him alone at home.
Bolo 07.01.04 at 8:37 pm
“Moore telephoned Heston saying (truthfully?) that he was an NRA member and documentary film-maker who would like to interview him. Heston consented. It was just an interview, not an “interview.—
No, it was an ‘interview.’ Moore completely spliced the thing up and even took clips from OTHER interviews that Heston had been in. As much as I think guns should be controlled, Moore horribly mistreated Heston.
Joe Briefcase 07.01.04 at 8:41 pm
As far as I can tell, Karl Rove and Charlton Heston don’t have rabid Winnuts threatening their lives.
On the left we make some jokes about those we disagree with, but the tone ios completely different from the rabid violence simmering on these right wing sites. Printing an address in that context is pretty different from confronting a controversial public figure with a camera. Karl Rove knows Michael Moore is going to film jim, not kill him. We don’t know that about these people.
Heidi Fleisch 07.01.04 at 8:41 pm
To paraphrase the email:
That’s why we wanted to make sure “little guys” could let
Dobson know exactly what they think about his new stunt.
So, if you have an opinion about the email — in which
Dobson plays fast and loose with Christain values to build a case
that Moore is an idiot and the war in Iraq is all
about movie profits — we suggest you send it to the
following address:
Mr.Murder 07.01.04 at 8:45 pm
Called, confirmed, criticised twice over, about five minutes time before hanging up on the second phone lackey. i get free long distance they assume a hold call is doing me a disfavor.
This FOTF tactic to intimidate is brownshirt and is the same thing 30s germany succumbed to. They used mobs to run out family businesses then. This is an attempt to incite the few bad ones.
Moore has dealt with this before. Thanks for the free PR. You are in over your heads. We’re using the truth and freedom and love the Constitution it is our SACRED DOCUMENT. Take that! (sound of the preverbial slap of intellect across the face of bias).
Moore will simply load up the cam and have freepers to show what FOTF is really like and about. His neighbors probably appreciate someone who doesn’t litter or tell them how to live and is a law abiding citizen.
If they were to go to Flint like that a whole lot of people would probably be on Mike’s side of the matter as well.
Time to write your congresspeople. Demand audits. Never mind speaking out publicly at this point, there is a paper trail ten miles long showing they are in effect a 527 and have not been using the rules.
Moore knows a few good lawyers who can help.
Thanks for helping get us Moore free publicity.
McL 07.01.04 at 8:48 pm
“On the left we make some jokes about those we disagree with, but the tone ios completely different from the rabid violence simmering on these right wing sites.â€
This is such a joke. Can we please stop overgeneralizing. There are wackos on both sides and everywhere in between.
internaut 07.01.04 at 8:56 pm
Well it’s not as if his home address isn’t printed elsewhere on the internet. For example, here:
Iron Lungfish 07.01.04 at 8:56 pm
It’s true. I just called them, and tried to be as nice as I could be – these were essentially call center people I was chewing out – but I didn’t realized how pissed off I was. My parents are born again Christians, my Mom listens to that bastard on the radio (or she used to, when I was growing up).
Interestingly, the first person I got must not have known what was up, because she claimed they didn’t give out Moore’s address. The one she forwarded me to, however, did. I reminded her, as gently as I could, that Jesus said to love our enemies, not paint targets on their homes.
Iron Lungfish 07.01.04 at 8:57 pm
It’s true. I just called them, and tried to be as nice as I could be – these were essentially call center people I was chewing out – but I didn’t realized how pissed off I was. My parents are born again Christians, my Mom listens to that bastard on the radio (or she used to, when I was growing up).
Interestingly, the first person I got must not have known what was up, because she claimed they didn’t give out Moore’s address. The one she forwarded me to, however, did. I reminded her, as gently as I could, that Jesus said to love our enemies, not paint targets on their homes.
internaut 07.01.04 at 8:57 pm
Well it’s not as if his home address isn’t printed elsewhere on the internet. For example, here:
Carolyn Gray 07.01.04 at 9:01 pm
Dr. Dodson is the founder of this group. I spoke with Nancy who was very polite, Nicholas in Correspondence who hung up on me even though I was very polite. I called back, got Josh on the phone who indicates it was not a “well thought out action” and agreed with my sentiments 100% – at least with regard to posting Mr. Moore’s home address.
I suggested a retraction, since this exposure flies in the face of their stated premise, FOCUS ON THE *FAMILY*…
Aaron 07.01.04 at 9:07 pm
Let me get this straight…. Mr. Pietrzykj responds to an off-topic comment, less than an hour after it is made, and laments that nobody else has previously responded to it? Does the fact that Mr. Pietrzykj failed to criticize the conduct of FOTF when making his comment mean that he endorses FOTF? Obviously not. But somehow the failure of random commenters to immediately notice and respond to an irrelevant, anti-Christian opinion from the middle of a prior comment is somehow an impeachment of all liberals and the owner of this site? Whatever.
alkali 07.01.04 at 9:10 pm
I’m sorry, but this is not that big a deal. Moore lives on the 17th floor of a building on the Upper West Side, for pete’s sake. It’s not like people are going to be peeking in his windows or camping out on his lawn.
Tip for famous people: put your property in a nominee trust if you don’t want other people to look up your name in tax records.
PeskyFly 07.01.04 at 9:22 pm
Hey John Lennon, Give Peace a chance! Bang!
They MUST respond to this? What’s the purpose of giving out his home address? It’s transparently malicious. I’ve been more horrified, but not by much.
paul 07.01.04 at 9:23 pm
“Can we please stop overgeneralizing. There are wackos on both sides and everywhere in between.”
Stop overgeneralizing, mcl. There are wackos on both sides, but the last time I checked only one of them was rabid about making other people scared for their lives based on their personal opinions. I might be naive about this, but when was the last time Earth First killed somebody in cold blood? Or the ACLU? Or GreenPeace? Or AmnestyInternational?
If you want to see more about the wide gulf between each side’s ‘hate groups’, go to He’s been chronicling the whole affair and it doesn’t look pretty for wingnut apologists.
ck 07.01.04 at 9:32 pm
I left this on their website – click on ask a question to leave comments. Feel free to copy & paste if it saves you time to leave comments.
I am horrified at the careless sending of the home address of the Moore family to your email list. They (including an innocent child) are now in danger from crackpot extremists. You, and I mean your intire staff, have no idea if there is or isn’t an unbalanced mind on that mailing list. For an organization professing concern with family welfare this is revealing of your true nature. I think I remember a sermon or two about bullying tactics being wrong, myself.
You are now exposed as hypocrits who are unable to rise above personalities to embrace the true spiritual principals. What small people you are indeed.
Jeff 07.01.04 at 9:36 pm
But this is perfectly ok for the left to do right?..
Michael Moore reveals talk host’s number
In presentation to 8,500 plays answer machine with cellphone details
Posted: October 28, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2003
In a presentation to 8,500 fans in Portland, Ore., author, filmmaker and political activist Michael Moore placed an impromptu phone call to the home of a conservative radio talker, revealing the host’s private cellphone number.
Michael Moore (courtesy United Artists)
Lars Larson, who recently launched a nationwide show in addition to his local program, said Moore apparently asked the audience Thursday night to suggest the name of someone to call, reported KATU-TV in Portland. Larson’s name came up, and an audience member had his home number, which Moore then dialed.
Moore played Larson’s answering machine message to the crowd over the public address system, which included the talk host’s personal cellphone number.
The cell number was heard each time Moore tried to reach Larson during the presentation.
The cellphone hasn’t stopped ringing since, said KATU.
Jeff 07.01.04 at 9:40 pm
“These people are a threat to American Democracy….”
But Michael Moore giving out someomnes personal cell number is great for democracy right?
mouse 07.01.04 at 9:40 pm
I seem to remember a devout Christian that gave out a current address of a prominent social liberal to those that disapproved of the message that person was trying to communicate.
That “devout Christian” was Judas…so now you know the place “Focus on the Family” has in the Christian faith.
McL 07.01.04 at 9:44 pm
peskyfly says: “I’ve been more horrified, but not by much.”
That’s pretty hard to believe. Posting his address is a serious offense, but one of the most horrific acts ever? Hardly.
Ted Barlow 07.01.04 at 9:45 pm
Cody 07.01.04 at 9:48 pm
The person who runs the email list for Focus on the Family is Vice-President Tom Minnery. His home phone is (EDITED AGAIN. DON’T POST PEOPLE’S HOME ADDRESSES OR PHONE NUMBERS. YOU CAN EASILY REACH FOCUS ON THE FAMILY AT 1-800-232-6459.)
peBird 07.01.04 at 9:50 pm
WWJH: Who Would Jesus Harass?
Ian 07.01.04 at 9:55 pm
I called FOTF. I was not polite. I thoroughly enjoyed an angry rant at the expense of two FOTF representatives. I kept demanding to know the Christian principle behind exposing Moore and his family to danger. The only answer they gave me (both of them) was that they were responding to requests from their members.
joshowitz5 07.01.04 at 9:57 pm
Just a bit of reality for those who don’t know NY.
If Moore lives in a multi-million dollar condo on the Upper West Side (the zip gave it away, so I’m not disclosing anything new), they undoubtedly have doormen. The UWS doorman are currently getting trained in anti-terrorist activity, and I am sure that, since Moore has lived there for a little while, these doormen are used to dealing with cranks and dangerous-looking people.
It’s still a despicable thing to do, but Moore & family are probably alot safer than Rove or Starr.
God Bless the doorman, for he shall protect us from crazy people and receive our packages.
Lakema 07.01.04 at 10:01 pm
Just to clear something up. Michael Moore does give out a congressmans phone number in F911. However it is his published office number and he gives it out only after said congressman lies and says he created an 800 number for people to contact him.
Johnny36 07.01.04 at 10:05 pm
It figures, these so called men of God have a lot to answer for. THey rape the people in the name of Jesus Christ and count on the people being so desparate that they do not think about what is actually going on. I sincerely hope that someone calls James Dobson to the carpet on this. He has lost his way, and has become nothing more than a right wing shrill
Mark 07.01.04 at 10:13 pm
I have just called and spoken with the news department of FOcus on the Family telling them what a hypocritical and shameful act this was, and that I intend to expose their foul behavior at any and all forums, particularly religious, with which I am involved. I suggest that others call also and give them an earful.
There was no denial on their part for having done this.
paul 07.01.04 at 10:16 pm
I got the i and the e messed up…
orcinus has some great material in the archives… there are some mean people out there.
Josef 07.01.04 at 10:26 pm
I called the 800 number. Thanks Adam. I got to their “comments” department and expressed my disgust. I asked the man on the phone if this is the kind of country he believes America is. I also asked him if he thinks it’s right to knowlingly put a celebrity’s life (and family’s life) in danger just because he doesn’t agree with his politics. There was nothing but silence. I asked if he was still there and he said ‘Yes, I’m still here’.
I asked, “Well don’t you have a response to that?” He said he’ll pass along my comments. Oh, I’m sure he he will.
digby 07.01.04 at 10:31 pm
Just a small point, but in case anyone is fooled into believing that the address was given out so that the fine members of FOTF could communicate with Michael Moore, he has a web-site, a production company, a publicist and a film distributor all of whom have phone numbers, addresses both physical and e-mail and people who are happy to take a message.
It is completely unnecessary for anyone to go trolling through the real estate records to communicate with Moore. He’s in the communications business.
spammy davis jr. 07.01.04 at 10:36 pm
(If this happens again, I’ll have to close comments. Love, Ted)
lars 07.01.04 at 10:49 pm
joshowitz5 – As peskyfly hints at above, having a doorman didn’t help John Lennon much…
D 07.01.04 at 10:54 pm
“I’m no Moore fan, but Chuck Heston is the PRESIDENT OF THE NRA. If he can’t defend himself against some two-bit film maker, then the NRA needs to find a new president.”
They did. His name is Kayne Robinson. And from what I can tell he’s just as big a nutcase as Heston.
mdhatter 07.01.04 at 10:56 pm
I lump in with those who feel this stuff is why famous people and professionals have OFFICES
This may be very enligtining, were any FOTF members crazy enough to do something bad.
Hope MM has a Panic Room.
In those instances where MM HAS shown up at someones HOME in a not so announced way (at least 1 instance on his first TV series), it has been after documented multi-year efforts by residents of a building trying to contact the business in question.
I don’t recall Moore saying exactly where he and his camera crew were though, beyond the town name….
This FOTF group, they have an agenda… and judging by their leadership, they can’t all be counted on to think things through…
Well, it’s just as likely some of his fans will get the address as well and show up with camera’s 24/7 for the duration. He could use the footage it in his next movie, should the nearly inevitable dramatic moment comes of this.
raj 07.01.04 at 11:07 pm
I wonder whether Focus on the (str8) Family is willing to post Dobson’s home address. I have a glass bottle and some flammable liquid that I need to get rid of.
Just kidding.
Jeff 07.01.04 at 11:43 pm
I just called that 800 number and left a message of support on what they did…in fact I told them to expose what happened when Moore gave out that cell phone number for Lars Larson…not only was his privacy invaded, but he also had death threats from the “loving” people that make up the left..Hey James Dobson…I sent out a donation to ya!!!!…the check should be there soon….!!!!!!
Chuck 07.01.04 at 11:56 pm
When I called FOAF and was told that they gave out Moore’s address “because many of our members requested it”, I asked for Dr. Dobson’s home address and phone number. They declined.
“I don’t think this behavior is very Christlike, do you?” I asked.
“You have a nice day, sir,” said the representative, and hung up.
Jeff 07.02.04 at 12:06 am
One more thing here, what does Jesus have to do with this? Is there a scripture in the Bible that says “Thou shall not give out personal info”?…I will tell you what is not Christlike….it’s making millions of dollars making movies complaining about people making millions of dollars….besides we all know liberals do not even believe in Christ, well that is until something like this makes it conveniant for them to..
Michael 07.02.04 at 12:11 am
Hi folks,
I’m new to this blog stuff so bear with me please.
This past Monday I e-mailed Dickhead Cheney at the WH with the subject line: FUCK YOU! You arrogant bastard! (no message) and e-mailed him the NY TIMES article on the success of F.9/11 via the “e-mail a friend” option with the following message: Eat your hopefully diseased heart out, you arrogant mother fucker!
(I heard he wants MORE!) ;)
Michael 07.02.04 at 12:11 am
Hi folks,
I’m new to this blog stuff so bear with me please.
This past Monday I e-mailed Dickhead Cheney at the WH with the subject line: FUCK YOU! You arrogant bastard! (no message) and e-mailed him the NY TIMES article on the success of F.9/11 via the “e-mail a friend” option with the following message: Eat your hopefully diseased heart out, you arrogant mother fucker!
(I heard he wants MORE!) ;)
Michael 07.02.04 at 12:21 am
Sorry, I forgot to tell you. These e-mails to Cheney were in reference to his comment to Senator Leahy on the Senate floor and his subsequent refusal to apologize for it. UPDATE: FCC may fine CBS stations up to $550K for Janet Jackson debacle at Superbowl.
wilson 07.02.04 at 12:28 am
We shouldn’t be so astonished at FOTF publishing the home address of MM. It is a common tactic of rabid anti-abortionists. That crowd has published home addresses not only of doctors that legally perform abortions but also which churches they attend, which schools their children attend, and other folk associated with the doctors…
Paul Taylor 07.02.04 at 12:40 am
“rofl at Paul Taylor there. “Some of my best friends are gay!†People still try to slide on that? Oh dear.”
I didn’t say that, I noted that I have gay friends. But if you feel you must misquote and misrepresent me for posting points, knock yourself out.
Jeff 07.02.04 at 12:41 am
Hey michael the new blogger thanks for giving me something to blog on my weblog……here ya go sparky..
Blondell 07.02.04 at 12:45 am
“Christians are supposed to be better. They are supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard.”
That’s so funny. I had a discussion on a blog one time with a self-proclaimed christian about that very point. She told me that christians don’t necessarily have to behave better, they just get forgiven for their sins simply because they believe in Jesus! Praise the Lawd!
The fact that many of them have abandoned civility only underscores their hypocrisy and shows how weak their faith is; probably from sheer desperation at their inability to force others into their narrow points of view.
Christopher Ball 07.02.04 at 12:56 am
At the 1994 Stockholm film festival website, Moore’s Dog Eat Dog Films production company address was given as being at the Bromley in NYC:
The apartment number was not included, but several other websites listed it prior to Citizen-Link mailing:
I visited someone living at the Bromley in the mid-90s. You cannot get in without being cleared by the doormen, like at most NYC condos, coops, and so-called ‘luxury rentals’. I lived in one at 71 Broadway, far south of Moore.
Nevertheless, Citizen-Link clearly acted recklessly. They could have omitted the apt. number.
matt conway 07.02.04 at 12:58 am
I just called FOTF’s 1-800 number, where i was told by Cory, yes, they have published his address in an email to members. I asked to be sent a copy, and left a phone number for them to call me back friday. I’ll keep you posted.
pheephee 07.02.04 at 1:00 am
Focus on the Family? What an interesting event, a “Christian” organization sending out an address of a well known personality. Does anyone know what the content of the message was that contained the address. They could just want all the prayers sent to a specific address.
The current “Christian” movement supporting a political movement have missed the most important part of what they profess. If you are a “Christian”, why not behave in the manner prescribed by the teaching. This translates into, not opposing abortion, but supporting the death penalty. Accepting your “brothers & sisters”, not advocating hatred toward someone of another faith.
I recently viewed a bumper sticker which summed the situation up very simply. It stated:
“If going to church makes you a Christian, does going to the garage make you a car?”
Hudson 07.02.04 at 1:05 am
The right-wingers didn’t think that Heston’s overtly racist comments in that interview were worthy of exposure?
Is racism returning as an explicit, as opposed to a tacit, part of the winger agenda?
Mari 07.02.04 at 1:05 am
Why should’t James Dobson have his home address posted on the internet?
Mari 07.02.04 at 1:06 am
Why should’t James Dobson have his home address posted on the internet?
Mari 07.02.04 at 1:06 am
Why should’t James Dobson have his home address posted on the internet?
Michael 07.02.04 at 1:09 am
Hey Jeff,
I’ve never been called “Sparky” but I used to be called “Loco” at San Quentin. Yea, I killed a damn Republican with my own bare hands and they only gave me a year!
lorelynn 07.02.04 at 1:14 am
Oh, good lord, camping out on Rove’s lawn, interviewing Charlton Heston and training cameras on Lucy whatsherface is not the same thing as sending out someone’s address to thousands of people who may regard him as a political enemy.
1. Charlton Heston was the president of a national organization – the most well-funded lobby in the US. He was fair game for an interview at that point any time, any where. He doesn’t want to deal with people asking him about the NRA, then he shouldn’t president.
2. Did anybody in the newsmedia reveal Rove’s home address? No? Well, then I guess he wasn’t facing physical peril as result of that and so that isn’t the same thing either. Remember all those Wingnuts hanging around outside of…(I forgot the name of it) the residence where the VP lives demanding Al get out during the election debacle? What happened to Rove is the same as what happened to Gore.
3. Same Question as #2 – Did Michael reveal Lucy’s address? I don’t think so. If he did, it’s the same thing. If he didn’t, it’s one more examply of whining wingnuts begging to be victimized.
What is it with your conservatives? You can snatch victimhood out of any situation you’re presented with. I’ve never known a group of people so determined to convince the world they’re oppressed. Poor you.
peanut 07.02.04 at 1:18 am
—I think where “Focus on the Family†comes in is, Moore’s movie spends quite a bit of time mocking the deep family connections between the Bush and Bin Laden families, thereby undermining the sanctity of families in general.
Huh? Where is the “sanctity” in deceiving the American public? Moore never generalizes about families, per se. What he does is point out connections between two distinct families and asks very relevant questions about the motives and actions of those families. That’s all.
Melissa Sue Robinson 07.02.04 at 1:36 am
(deleted; it’s a long spam, posted three times, that I’m not in the mood to overlook.)
smonie 07.02.04 at 2:22 am
The Focus on the Family “christian” group apparently did not consider the potential harm there would be to Moore’s own family by giving out this private information. I think Moore has 1 or 2 college age daughters and a wife, and they certainly do not deserve any ill will that can be directed at them because of Michael’s work.
Maybe Mr. Dobson would like a taste of his own medicine. Punk!
smonie 07.02.04 at 2:24 am
The Focus on the Family “christian” group apparently did not consider the potential harm there would be to Moore’s own family by giving out this private information. I think Moore has 1 or 2 college age daughters and a wife, and they certainly do not deserve any ill will that can be directed at them because of Michael’s work.
Maybe Mr. Dobson would like a taste of his own medicine. Punk!
Herbert Nauss Jr. 07.02.04 at 2:37 am
Fascism Anyone???
May this 4th of July find the fireworks ‘exploding rather than imploding’ as this society tinkers on the edge of deceptions…. organized, calculated, and perpetrated by only 12-14 % of the American populace (both left-right voices of desparate fear and of hypocritical ‘intolerance and extremism’.
We are not about to allow a ‘Theocracy’ to endure so do not be fearful of the extremes folks..
Their self-addictions will only lead to self-destruction….
Emily Scopes 07.02.04 at 2:47 am
Moore never told anyone where the people he interviewed and watched were living. He found it through public documents, but he kept it to himself. As a friend of someone hunted down and murdered by RW religious fanatics, I think what FOTF did was horrendous – if Moore had done that, Bill O’Reilly and Ashcroft would be calling for his head. I agree with the post that we’re probably in for a wave of political assassinations. Bush’s agenda isn’t world domination alone – it’s paving the way for the Second Coming.(If you don’t believe it, you’re not reading his own words. PAY ATTENTION!) That kind of zealotry demands completion. At what cost and to whom should make everyone on this blog scared to death
js 07.02.04 at 3:18 am
Also sent directly to Ted Barlow and Atrios.
Michael Moore’s address has been published before. It’s wrong for Dobson (or his minions) to do it, but Dobson (and whichever minion sent this) is no Christian and therefore doesn’t understand right from wrong.
Having people do this kind of nasty stuff to you to you is part of being a public person. Moore is fortunate enough to be a millionaire and able to protect himself. Many of the people targeted by the right aren’t millionaires and just have to take what gets flung at them.
Feel free to criticize Dobson. Just understand that this is S.O.P. for the right nowadays.
john 07.02.04 at 3:41 am
Hey idiot. Cellphone numbers can be easily changed. Addresses of your HOME cannot.
Charles 07.02.04 at 2:45 pm
Just called FOTF and asked for Dr. Dobson’s home address; they would not give it to me but asked, “Is this about the Michael Moore (sic)?” The address they gave me is the FOTF address! Can we find Dr. Dobson’s home address anyone?
pudge 07.02.04 at 3:59 pm
Sorry some jerk did that to you, but it rings hollow to say it’s typical “right wing” tactics, when both sides engage in it.
WSG 07.02.04 at 4:43 pm
Good grief!!! Why don’t you people get a life?
Gage 07.02.04 at 6:09 pm
Oh stepping not so lightly into that jack booted night.
Jeff 07.02.04 at 6:38 pm
Hey “Loco” why do you make my job as a blogger so easy?
Jeff 07.02.04 at 7:02 pm
Hey Ted, or whoever you are.I removed that one..and added this will like it better, these were what your resident nut-job, Michael, or “Loco” as he prefers sent me:..Enjoy!!
Bill Shunn 07.02.04 at 7:12 pm
Dobson (and whichever minion sent this) is no Christian and therefore doesn’t understand right from wrong.
What, only Christians understand right from wrong? Please.
Jeff 07.02.04 at 7:54 pm
For the record, I have no idea why a dead blog showed up on here four times…
Kosh 07.02.04 at 9:18 pm
Here’s a website that proudly posts the email from Citizen Link with Moore’s address:
Be sure to tell Mikey what you think!
jo-scott 07.02.04 at 9:18 pm
Dobson lives in Colorado Springs where the Focus on the Family has its sprawling national headquarters and family campus. The email newsletter comes from the Washington DC office, where Tony Perkins is the ‘Advocacy’ guru. Most of the hardline advocacy alerts to call and let someone know your opinion come from Tony You might check the CoSprings phone book for the Rev’s number.
jo-scott 07.02.04 at 9:19 pm
Dobson lives in Colorado Springs where the Focus on the Family has its sprawling national headquarters and family campus. The email newsletter comes from the Washington DC office, where Tony Perkins is the ‘Advocacy’ guru. Most of the hardline advocacy alerts to call and let someone know your opinion come from Tony You might check the CoSprings phone book for the Rev’s number.
jo-scott 07.02.04 at 9:20 pm
Dobson lives in Colorado Springs where the Focus on the Family has its sprawling national headquarters and family campus. The email newsletter comes from the Washington DC office, where Tony Perkins is the ‘Advocacy’ guru. Most of the hardline advocacy alerts to call and let someone know your opinion come from Tony You might check the CoSprings phone book for the Rev’s number.
jo-scott 07.02.04 at 9:21 pm
Dobson lives in Colorado Springs where the Focus on the Family has its sprawling national headquarters and family campus. The email newsletter comes from the Washington DC office, where Tony Perkins is the ‘Advocacy’ guru. Most of the hardline advocacy alerts to call and let someone know your opinion come from Tony You might check the CoSprings phone book for the Rev’s number.
D. Robert 07.02.04 at 10:12 pm
To Ted:
Re: FOF and Moore’s address
You sound like an extremely cynical person.
And I’m not sure that you’re in a position to say what Jesus would or would not do. I don’t think any of us are.
Ebbtide 07.02.04 at 10:49 pm
We laugh at you.
Ebbtide 07.02.04 at 10:50 pm
We laugh at you.
Ebbtide 07.02.04 at 10:50 pm
We laugh at you.
Michael 07.02.04 at 11:17 pm
Moore’s persecution comes as no surprise to me in the current political environment, which is more akin to civil war than political struggle. It is certainly wrong when either side invades the peace and security of a family for political reasons, but anyone who take a high profile role in the partisan war should expect no less. Were I Moore, I would have moved and covered my tracks before the release of the movie.
The real difference between the right and the left in this sort of situation is that the left protests and annoys, but the right harrasses and kills. Wackos like Focus on the Family release this sort of information in the hope that some poor psychotic bastard will think he’s the vengence of God and actually hurt someone. The left generally wants to draw attention to the hypocrisy of those whose privacy they violate. Neither purpose is acceptable, but one is poor judgement and unfair, the other is criminal and malevolent.
carl 07.02.04 at 11:42 pm
As a Christian, I am sicken by what organization like these do in the name of Christ. As a shirt that a good friend wears, “Jesus, Save me from your people.”
evilelvis 07.03.04 at 12:55 am
Y’all are forgetting when Mikey Moore gave out Lars Larson’s cell phone number at a public event aren’t ya…
Phil 07.03.04 at 3:06 am
Just to clear something up. Michael Moore does give out a congressmans phone number in F911. However it is his published office number and he gives it out only after said congressman lies and says he created an 800 number for people to contact him.
What you meant to say is that, Michael Moore told a big fat whopper here, since Congressman Goss — the Congressman in question — chairs the House Select Intelligence Community, which can be reached toll-free at (877) 858-9040.
Jeff 07.03.04 at 5:29 am
evilelvis, …These are people for the most part who think Michael Moore is only lesser of a man compared to Saddam..In fact it’s quite amusing that 99.9% of the time these people hold the Islamic religion to the highest degree. Now all the sudden, they are so concerned about “what would Jesus do?” So no Evilelvis, Moore could not possibly have done wrong by giving out that number.
Bush Sucks 07.03.04 at 6:25 am
Focus on the Family are fascists.
Fuck the all!
evilelvis 07.03.04 at 11:33 pm
proponents of assaulted a man in Vegas just for saying Kerry was no better than Bush as they were distributing leaflets about F911.
passthru 07.04.04 at 12:01 am
Just one quick question:
Has anyone contacted Moore about this, because this whole thing seems to be isolated to a couple of under the radar weblogs and not much else.
corrosion 07.04.04 at 6:19 am
Someone has Jeff in a lather. Priceless that he has to troll a non-rightwing site, trying desperately to promote his own. Sorry, kid, you have stirred no interest. Get back to pulling wings off of flies, will you?
Stephen 07.05.04 at 2:45 am
Would you mind posting the text of the daily email?
Oh… you can’t…
Is it because nobody actually has this supposed nationwide email?
pete 07.05.04 at 3:11 am
FOTF is being most un-Christlike. Jesus said that His kingdom was not of this world.
‘There is no god but Bush ,and Cheney is his prophet.’ Humbug!
julia 07.05.04 at 9:07 pm
But, really, let’s acknowledge that right-wing Christians claim to be morally superior, and so doing this sort of thing just furthers their claim to the title of Hypocritical Assholes of the Universe. That and killing abortion providers…denying communion to Kerry but protecting pedophilic priests…etc, etc., etc.
Um, excuse me.
The last two were Catholic issues (and very few of the Bishops took Bush up on the former – as a group, they flat turned him down, by all accounts on the sayso of the Pope).
It seems a bit unfair to load down Catholics with what Dobson is doing when he, along with quite a bit of his fundamentalist base, thinks we’re all going to hell.
Phil McCracken 07.06.04 at 1:56 am
the solution is simple. Find James Dobson’s address, and release it. Then find the addresses of any other freeper assholes who think this is cute.
ozdemir Ince 07.06.04 at 7:57 am
I love Jesus
jhm23 07.07.04 at 2:35 pm
By the way, the link to above is classic. Aside from simplistic, inane political cartoons and multiple quotes from scripture, it includes pictures of our hero, the proud, conservative web scribe — who could not appear more pathetic — taking his four year old son to Hooters for his birthday. Check it out: . And indeed, he includes a copy of the Citizen Link e-mail sent out by FOTF.
I wonder what Dobson would think of our hero’s choice of venue for his son’s birthday celebration. Family values, indeed!!!!!!! The family that checks out scantily clad babes together, stays together.
Not a celebrity 07.07.04 at 2:57 pm
Umm, yeah, posting the address to a celebrity’s security condo is so wicked and evil and all:
David Layman 07.08.04 at 12:43 am
The rage expressed on this blog only makes sense if one assumes that the readers of Focus on the Family are gonna’ come to Moore’s house in a mob attack. I haven’t been able to verify the fact or intent of the posting of his address, but, knowing FOTF, I suspect that the purpose was to allow supporters to express their opinions directly to Moore.
Religious conservatives are not fanatics ready to come at their enemies with guns ablazin’.
Being one myself, we want to participate in the public discussion. Better talking to your enemies then shootin’ them.
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