First Class Mail

by Brian on September 10, 2003

Didn’t someone tell this guy that things can go badly wrong if you try mailing yourself across the country?



Chun the Unavoidable 09.10.03 at 6:46 am

The most unlistenable song in their catalogue. And I’d especially encourage the rich professors who’ve downloaded it illegally to contribute to the 12-year old orphan relief rund.


Nabakov 09.10.03 at 8:49 am

“And I’d especially encourage the rich professors who’ve downloaded it illegally”

Gee, I knew this blog was an Comintern cell but I had no idea it was a nest of pirates as well.


Curtiss Leung 09.10.03 at 1:58 pm

"The most unlistenable song in their catalogue?" I beg to differ; it’s a personal fave of mine.

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