Edward Said “is dead”:http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/25/obituaries/25WIRE-SAID.html .
Edward Said
by Chris Bertram on September 25, 2003
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Ophelia Benson 09.25.03 at 7:31 pm
Wow, that’s a bit of a shock.
nick 09.25.03 at 8:49 pm
Yes. I saw him in Hay-on-Wye only a few months ago, and he was full of enthusiasm for his musical workshop collaboration with Daniel Barenboim. I’m sure that certain unmentionable hatemongers will be doing the weblog dance.
Frank Quist 09.25.03 at 9:24 pm
The Head Heeb has an obituary.
Ha’aretz has one, too.
Aaron 09.25.03 at 9:29 pm
Prepare for a leadership vacuum amongst American advocates for Palestinian independence.
Chun the Unavoidable 09.25.03 at 9:56 pm
The last line of the Haaretz obit:
However, among the American
Jewish establishment, he was considered public
enemy number one.
Robert Schwartz 09.25.03 at 10:05 pm
“Allah Akhbar” God is Great!
“Baruch dayan emet” Blessed be He who judges in truth and righteousness
“Am Yisroel Chai” The People Israel Lives!*
*Inscribed on Trajan’s Triumphal arch in Rome.
drapetomaniac 09.25.03 at 11:41 pm
that’s an awfully crude and minimal obit as these things go.
Maria 09.26.03 at 7:41 am
The 9-
Paul 09.26.03 at 2:14 pm
The Associated Press Obit is worth reading as well.
Heads up on Doug Henwood’s Radio show, too. Next week’s will be devoted to Said. The guest is TBA, but possibly Barenboim
PG 09.26.03 at 6:37 pm
Possible victory after death for Said.
Mandarin 09.27.03 at 7:21 am
“I’m sure that certain unmentionable hatemongers will be doing the weblog dance.”
Funny you should suggest this, Nick, because it’s Said’s own people, the Palestinians, who actually DO dance in the streets when suicide bombers hit a school bus.
But of course it’s Said’s detractors who are the hatemongers.
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