Everyone must have prizes

by Ted on December 11, 2003

Dwight Meredeth and Mary Beth at Wampum are being kind enough to run the 2003 Koufax Awards to recognize the best in left-of-center blogs. I really enjoyed them last year, and I’m delighted that Dwight is volunteering his time again. They’re taking nominations now, so please feel free to contribute.

UPDATE: Because they’re not accepting nominations for their own posts, I wanted to take the opportunity to say that Dwight Meredeth’s post “Tell His Parents”, about Michael Savage’s cruelty about autism, is one of the very, very few blog posts that I’ve gone back and re-read months later.



mark 12.11.03 at 6:53 pm

isn’t it Meredith?


Ted Barlow 12.11.03 at 7:03 pm

Yes it is, doggone it. Thanks for the catch.


Ross 12.12.03 at 4:28 am

Dwight is amazing and inspiring. I’m happy to see he’s posting again.

P.S. I can’t thank you enough for your nomination in last year’s Sandys. Your support helped catapult my site forward.

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