Santa Clause

by Henry Farrell on December 8, 2005

“Tyler Cowen”: links to “Leonard Peikoff”:, suggesting that”a bracing Randian approach is needed” to the commercialization of Christmas. But why settle for an epigone like Peikoff, when you can get the Randite vision of Christmas “straight from the horse’s mouth?”:

*Ayn Rand’s A Selfish Christmas (1951)*

bq. In this hour-long radio drama, Santa struggles with the increasing demands of providing gifts for millions of spoiled, ungrateful brats across the world, until a single elf, in the engineering department of his workshop, convinces Santa to go on strike. The special ends with the entropic collapse of the civilization of takers and the spectacle of children trudging across the bitterly cold, dark tundra to offer Santa cash for his services, acknowledging at last that his genius makes the gifts — and therefore Christmas — possible.

bq. Prior to broadcast, Mutual Broadcast System executives raised objections to the radio play, noting that 56 minutes of the hour-long broadcast went to a philosophical manifesto by the elf and of the four remaining minutes, three went to a love scene between Santa and the cold, practical Mrs. Claus that was rendered into radio through the use of grunts and the shattering of several dozen whiskey tumblers. In later letters, Rand sneeringly described these executives as “anti-life.”

(nb – I “linked”: to this last year when it lived on its author, John Scalzi’s, “blog”: As a result of which people promoting Christmas specials like the “The Happy Elf”: seem to have become convinced that I’m a valuable target for their marketing efforts).



Chris 12.08.05 at 11:58 am

My favorite part of the Peikoff article is when he writes:

All the best customs of Christmas, from carols to trees to spectacular decorations, have their root in pagan ideas and practices. These customs were greatly amplified by American culture, as the product of reason, science, business, worldliness, and egoism, i.e., the pursuit of happiness.

Reason and science have amplified pagan ideas and practices? Huh?


abb1 12.08.05 at 12:14 pm

Peikoff is an excellent comedian; he’s hilarious, but you really have to see him uttering his nonsense; printed stuff doesn’t do him justice.


KipEsquire 12.08.05 at 12:34 pm

I remain convinced that Leonard Peikoff was the single worst thing ever to happen to Objectivism.


Kieran Healy 12.08.05 at 12:36 pm

I’ve always liked how John Galt and his genius buddies in Atlas Shrugged basically become a class for themselves, go on strike, and set up a socialist paradise in the mountains in order to bring the country to its knees and implement their desired social order. Marx would have been proud. I presume this gets pointed out all the time, though it doesn’t look like Peikoff would take it very well.


almostinfamous 12.08.05 at 1:02 pm

bwahaahahha. thanks for the links henry. lunchtime laughs are always appreciated.


Mike S 12.08.05 at 1:45 pm

I always thought a real-life Atlas Shrugged scenario would end up more like How the Grinch Stole Christmas. All the superior people would be looking down on Whoville, waiting for the Who’s to cry, but noting with shock and dismay that no one noticed they left. Then Ayn Rand’s heart would grow three sizes. Boris Karloff’s voice would lend gravitas.


Voice From The Singularity 12.08.05 at 2:17 pm

A Most Illogical Holiday!

That would make Reindeer O’Reilly’s head pop.


Doug 12.08.05 at 2:39 pm

N.B. In the CT category sweepstakes Intellects V&C&U have taken a two-point lead over Intellects V&W&S. Both have a long way to go to catch up with that broken water pitcher.


theogon 12.09.05 at 12:17 pm

Objectivism is an inherently silly theory and a bit unfair to hold to the same standards as other viewpoints when it comes to being singled out for derision. It’s intellectual slapstick, like quoting from LaRouche. Consider kipesquire’s suggestion that Peikoff is the worst thing to happen to the philosophy. I mean, what’s the best, Rush?

(That said, as the existence of this post implies, its mockery is totally worth it.)


Mike Huben 12.11.05 at 6:55 am

Aw, how could you not also mention Scrooge Defended from the Mises Institute?

Austrians are as funny as Objectivists! The free market prooves it!


Zephania 12.12.05 at 10:22 am

Check out A Drug War Carol particularly the Ghost of Christmas Present! Also, look out for when Tiny Tim has to sleep in the bath …


Zephania 12.12.05 at 10:23 am

Link didn’t work … here it is …

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