Don Luskin may be the “stupidest man alive”:, but this is small beer compared to John Lott, whose career strives to maximize a three-variable function defined by stupidity, error and sheer bad faith. Whenever you think there are regions of this space that he could not possibly explore further, “he proves you wrong”:
Jim Miller 02.07.06 at 12:07 pm
What I love about Crooked Timber is the site’s high standards. It is not a site where one finds personal insults substituting for evidence, or where vulgarity is used by adolescents to attack opponents. The mostly academics who run the site set a high standard for the rest of the blogosphere, and have done much to raise the level of debate everywhere.
There are some who think that our colleges and universities desperately need reform. The rational discussions at Crooked Timber, which never descend to ad hominem attacks, are evidence that such concerns are mistaken.
Steve LaBonne 02.07.06 at 12:13 pm
People who don’t even know what “ad hominem” means really shouldn’t attempt to use irony, just as small children need to be kept away from sharp tools.
Cryptic Ned 02.07.06 at 12:35 pm
It’s simple. If you mention the name of your opponent in your argument, you are using an ad hominem attack and should be disregarded. If your opponent insults your height, weight, school tie and nationality, he is merely being satirical and his argument should be addressed independently of his playful personal japery.
Kieran Healy 02.07.06 at 12:46 pm
ad hominem attacks
Jim, your effort at sarcasm misses by a mile. Lott’s evasive and dishonest way of working is very well documented — I would say “overwhelmingly so”: Pointing out yet another example of this kind of behavior from him is not an ad hominem attack. It has been repeatedly shown in the past that Lott cannot be trusted to make accurate or truthful statements about the data he analyzes, and that when he is caught in an error he does everything he can to scrub the record of it. Those facts about him and his work are perfectly relevant to any assessment of the value of the arguments he makes, especially seeing as we’re not dealing with logical syllogisms here but with empirical data and methods of analysis that require us to have confidence in the honesty and competence of the person carrying them out. It’s not complicated.
wcw 02.07.06 at 12:51 pm
As long as Lott gets published, whether on op-ed pages or books or (it’s possible, I guess) peer-reviewed journals, it is a public service to point out that anyone who publishes his work without vetting every single word shames themselves.
Jim Miller, I don’t know you, but my only data point on your ability to think is not positive.
wcw 02.07.06 at 12:55 pm
Holy hannah, it’s worse than I thought. A quick clickthrough, and the first phrase that I notice reads, “as Michelle Malkin points out.”
Jim, big fellow, you need to test your hypothesis that John Lott and Michelle Malkin show the ability to “point out” anything. This hypothesis is falsifiable. Trust me.
Whew. Sorry for clogging the comments with this one, folks.
Jim Miller 02.07.06 at 1:34 pm
Here I compliment Kieran and his fellow Timberites and he thinks I am being sarcastic. It is a sad, distrustful world we live in.
One would almost think that he disagrees with my claim that the standards of debate here are high. For instance, when he says that Donald Luskin is the “stupidest man alive” I am sure that he has the IQ tests to prove that. And will produce that evidence, if asked to.
wcw: What Michelle Malkin pointed out is that the broadcast of the Super Bowl did not contain any tribute to the troops. If she is wrong about that, send me the evidence and I will correct the post, and thank you for your help.
And if I may say so, you may want to read further at my site. For example, Chris Bertram, in a post at this very site, agreed that I was right in my argument that the first reports of the Iraqi museum looting were exaggerated. (And I might add that some conservatives went too far the other way.)
Some time ago, I did a post on public opinion on Vietnam to correct the common belief that the young were more opposed to the war than the old. I find that piece often gets linked, usually by those on the left, because I supply data that is not easily available elsewhere.
As for Michelle Malkin, I think that sometimes she is right and sometimes she is wrong. I once criticized Malkin and Paul Krugman in the same post for committing the “ecological fallacy”. (Both have made that mistake more than once, by the way.)
Finally, I would add a point that is sometimes forgotten in the blogosphere. Most nations, certainly including the United States, still have laws against slander. I am not a lawyer, so I have no idea whether the claim that another person is the stupidest person alive, assuming for the moment that the claim is false, is actionable, but it does seem to me the sort of thing that a prudent person would avoid. (And I would say the same about some comments from Daniel Davies that I inspired here last fall.)
C.J.Colucci 02.07.06 at 1:43 pm
Jim: I am. It’s not.
Barry Freed 02.07.06 at 1:48 pm
“Jim Miller” must be Mary Rosh’s sock-puppet.
Seth Finkelstein 02.07.06 at 1:52 pm
“The statement(s) alleged to be defamatory must also be a false statement of fact. That which is name-calling, hyperbole, or, however characterized, cannot be proven true or false, cannot be the subject of a libel or slander claim.”
“Don Luskin may be the stupidest man alive” may fairly be considered hyperbole. Besides, we know that as a statement of fact, that title is held by [censored].
JR 02.07.06 at 2:08 pm
Brad Delong is hosting a “stupidest man alive” contest. His nominee is Jonah Goldberg, who has Lott beat.
abb1 02.07.06 at 2:42 pm
I think Jim Miller has now provided strong evidence that Mr. Lott may, indeed, not be stupidest man alive.
wcw 02.07.06 at 2:56 pm
Oh, how we are going off topic. To reiterate: every word that comes out of John Lott’s keyboard is suspect. Every coefficient he copies from a stats program is dubious. Every conclusion he reaches should be considered cherrypicked, misleading or just-plain lying unless proven beyond any doubt to be otherwise. Full stop.
Jim, I would be very sorry to have to subject you to a similar judgement. Alas, you appear, like Lott, to be congenitally incapable of swallowing legitimate criticism. Here’s one more chance.
To reiterate, the first phrase I noticed on a clickthrough to your screeds read, “as Michelle Malkin points out.” I suggested you test your hypothesis that either Lott or Malkin shows the ability to “point out” anything. You were gracious enough to drop any defense of Lott (though fairness ought to have militated for an explicit denunciation), but you got all snippy on Malkin, retorting, “[w]hat Michelle Malkin pointed out is that the broadcast of the Super Bowl..” [snip claims] and proceeded to playact at fairly taking insult.
Should anyone have the patience for a second clickthrough, he will find that what Malkin said, to which you linked, is, “I didn’t watch the football game yesterday.” It was not she, but others who “pointed out” that the Stupid Bowl’s halftime show lacked the requisite militarism.
It is, I suppose, true that Malkin pointed out that other people pointed out that the halftime show didn’t include any explicit tributes to the armed forces.
You might, however, see that I feel it doesn’t do much for your attempt to refute my point.
I shall reiterate the point that John Lott is a sycophantic, cherrypicking, useful idiot. Malkin’s no better, but math scares people, so it’s more important to underline Lott’s utter intellectual bankruptcy.
Barry 02.07.06 at 3:10 pm
abb1, you might be confusing stupidity and dishonesty there.
Mary Rosh 02.07.06 at 3:32 pm
John Lott is an exceptionally erudite and masculine hunk of a man. I think you’re just envious of his superior intellect and fabulous good looks. How could anyone say such things about such a fine example of a human being/sheep’s ass is beyond me.
gmoke 02.07.06 at 4:06 pm
I thought Doug Feith was famously “the f*cking stupidest man on Earth.”
Scott Lemieux 02.07.06 at 4:30 pm
“I am not a lawyer, so I have no idea whether the claim that another person is the stupidest person alive, assuming for the moment that the claim is false, is actionable, but it does seem to me the sort of thing that a prudent person would avoid.”
OK, this has to be satire; obviously, it’s a clever allusion to Luskin’s risible threatened lawsuit against Atrios! Really, I would prefer not to even consider the alternative interpretation.
Barry 02.07.06 at 4:50 pm
Scott, some people must seriously covet that title of ‘stupidest man alive’. I guess that if one has failed at all constructive pursuits, seeking notoreity instead of fame is all that’s left.
Freddie Widgeon 02.07.06 at 4:51 pm
I get it. This comment thread is a sequel to the Satire Is Dead thread below.
Rob 02.07.06 at 5:28 pm
Lott has been shown to a serial liar. Jim doesn’t like the fact that he can be so easily dupped by liars like Lott. So he lashes out pretending to be high and mighty but really shows that he can not argue the point that Lott is a serial liar. Pity Jim.
Nat Whilk 02.07.06 at 6:36 pm
I don’t see what all the fuss is about. Maximizing a “three-variable function defined by stupidity, error and sheer bad faith” is not necessarily bad. Who’s to say that the three-variable function isn’t -(s+e+sbf)?
pp 02.07.06 at 6:57 pm
Jim Miller,
I will answer your question as best I can… if there is going to be a slander suit you had better be podcasting. You can libel someone on the internet as it is something in print, slander implies spoken words.
Also the party bringing the action is required to among other things show that the libel is untrue and that there are damages. Remember something so fantastic as to be unbelievable is not libelous see Jerry falwell v Larry Flynt.
John Quiggin 02.07.06 at 8:28 pm
It’s unfair to lump Michelle Malkin and John Lott together, especially as Malkin (unlike Jim Miller) has accepted the evidence showing that Lott is a serial fraudster. I’m no fan of Malkin, but Lott/Rosh are in a class of their own.
engels 02.07.06 at 8:43 pm
For instance, when he says that Donald Luskin is the “stupidest man alive†I am sure that he has the IQ tests to prove that. And will produce that evidence, if asked to.
Ok, Luskin is the second stupidest man alive.
Matt Weiner 02.08.06 at 6:28 pm
John Q, Malkin does seem to have some intellectual integrity issues of her own.
ian 02.09.06 at 7:22 am
I see from Mr Lott’s blog that at the end of January he was still citing with approval the work of McIntyre and McKittrick on climate change. I’m sure you remember them – they are the guys who didn’t know the difference between degrees and radians…
Robin Green 02.09.06 at 2:34 pm
I’m sure you remember them – they are the guys who didn’t know the difference between degrees and radians…
Birds of a feather flock together.
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