Firedoglake book club

by Henry Farrell on November 22, 2006

I’ll be moderating Firedoglake’s book club again on Sunday. This time, we’re talking about Jacob Hacker’s _The Great Risk Shift_. I’ve written about it “here”: and “here”: on CT, while John posted on Hacker and David Frum “here”:

Calling Houston

by Harry on November 22, 2006

Belated congratulations to the janitors in Houston. The pattern of events is strangely familiar to some of us; but none the worse for that. Have a happy Thanksgiving. Brilliant.

The Ashes

by Brian on November 22, 2006

If you Google for “greatest rivalry in sports”: today you’ll get a lot of references to the Ohio State-Michigan series (largely because of last week’s game) several references to Red Sox-Yankees, and a few other college pairings. From a global perspective, these all look faintly ridiculous. Does any of these rivalries really compare to Real Madrid-Barcelona for history, or Celtic-Rangers for intensity?

It’s probably futile to say which of these is *the* greatest. But I think on the list should be the series “that starts in a few hours”:
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Dutch Elections

by Ingrid Robeyns on November 22, 2006

The elections for parliament are held in the Netherlands today. The first exit polls are expected at just after 9 pm Dutch time. While in general elections in small countries are not particularly interesting for an international audience, one never knows what surprises (which may be relevant also beyond the national borders) are waiting for us. Apart from the question which party will become the biggest and hence (most probably) deliver the prime minister, here are two other prominent issues of the current Dutch elections. [click to continue…]