Kenneth Horne was born 100 years ago today. My earliest memory is battling with my parents to be allowed to get to bed in time to hear Round The Horne. I even remember when it went off the air because of his untimely death (though in my memory it was replaced by These You Have Loved with Cliff Morgan, which can’t be right). In latter years my daughters have shared the joy of Horne with me courtesy of BBC7. Julian and Sandy, Rambling Sid Rumpo (and here), Charles and Fiona, and, bemused in the middle, the calm tones of Horne himself. BBC7 is celebrating with an episode of Much Binding in the Marsh, a feature-length musical dramatisation of Three Men on A Boat (with Leslie Phillips as a bonus!) and a fun-packed 3-hour history of Beyond Our Ken and Round the Horne.
dearieme 02.27.07 at 9:56 pm
Can there really have been Sunday lunchtimes with K Horne AND The Navy Lark? Left hand down a bit.
Alison 02.28.07 at 11:19 am
‘Left hand down a bit’ is one of my favourite catch phrases to slip into conversations. It has the advantage of applying in many diverse circumstances with humorous consequences, but the disadvantage that people don’t recognise it and look at me a bit funny.
harry b 02.28.07 at 11:46 am
My daughter also throws it in, but only to conversation with me. She also throws in “winds light to variable” (goons) and “he’s fallen in the water” but you can imagine that among Midwestern 11 year olds those phrases seem odder. Imagine how my students look at me when I say that its “turned out nice again”…
Davis X. Machina 03.02.07 at 2:21 am
Somewhere Peasemold J. Gruntfuttock is smiling.
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