Vote or vote not, there is no try

by Eszter Hargittai on April 3, 2007

R2-D2 mailbox Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars, the USPS is coming out with Star Wars stamps in May. Woohoo! Limited edition express mail envelopes will also be available and this fact has me contemplating what I should send to myself in express mail. Yes, it’s a great marketing ploy, I am sold.

The site is collecting votes for the stamp that will “reign above all others”.

And now, for only the second time in its 256-year-history, the U.S. Postal Service invites you to vote for your favorite stamp. The winning stamp will become its own stamp sheet.

Cast your vote today. C-3PO seems to be ahead, which is not a horrible choice, but personally I’d rather see either Yoda or Darth Vader win.

More on my dedication to Star Wars in another post.

Thanks to Scott Feldstein for the above photo. Apparently there’s such a mailbox in Palo Alto as well, I’ll have to look for it.

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Crooked Timber » » From Firstborns to Chewbacca in between matzo ball soup and matzo munchies
04.03.07 at 10:03 pm



The Constructivist 04.03.07 at 6:47 pm

Any time you want to do guest Star Wars blogging at Mostly Harmless, be my, uh, guest. May 25th might not be a bad day for another MH Carnival….


Ugh 04.03.07 at 7:12 pm

Wait, does this mean Lucas is going to release yet another version of the original trilogy with even more changes?


omar shanks 04.03.07 at 7:31 pm

My understanding is that the USPS plans to issue a Darth Vader stamp sheet someday, but can’t because Mr. Cheney isn’t dead yet.


Jacob T. Levy 04.03.07 at 8:09 pm

Just say no to stamps honoring the genocidaire of Alderaan, but (more importantly) to the characters of the apocryphal and blasphemous purported “episodes 1-3.” Those who believe that Darth Maul is a genuine Star Wars character must also believe that Jar-Jar Binks is a genuine Star Wars character, and they therefore evince a lack of faith I find… well, you know.


Tom Hilton 04.03.07 at 9:08 pm

And now, for only the second time in its 256-year-history, the U.S. Postal Service invites you to vote for your favorite stamp.

The first time, young Elvis won, which almost restored a little of my faith in the public.

That faith would, of course, be smashed if any characters from the prequel trilogy won.


Anderson 04.03.07 at 9:22 pm

Omar wins the lollipop for this thread – well done, sir.


otto 04.03.07 at 9:24 pm

Leia and R2. No question.


S2 04.03.07 at 9:58 pm

the palo alto box is on Hamilton outside the post office.


Rob 04.04.07 at 6:09 am

There is also one outside the Palmer Square post-office in Princeton, NJ. I was quite happy to see it yesterday.


eszter 04.04.07 at 2:28 pm

Thanks for pointing that out, Rob. I found a picture of that on Flickr although one with a bit more of the area would be nice. A friend of mine works half a block away, I’ll ask him to take some photos.

Flickr has a nice collection in general.

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