In case anyone’s wondering why I haven’t been posting, it’s because I’m off in the Southern Alps of New Zealand’s spectacular South Island. I feel the blogosphere will survive without me for a week.
by Kieran Healy on September 29, 2003
In case anyone’s wondering why I haven’t been posting, it’s because I’m off in the Southern Alps of New Zealand’s spectacular South Island. I feel the blogosphere will survive without me for a week.
eszter 09.29.03 at 4:38 am
Ooh, sounds exciting, hope you’ll share pics!
dsquared 09.29.03 at 6:40 am
quick! everyone hide when Kieran comes back!
Doug 09.29.03 at 8:34 am
Lucky man.
Say hello to Gandalf & the rest…
David Sucher 09.29.03 at 8:43 pm
PLease don’t forget to notice the impacts of “the Queen’s Chain” — Lake Wanaka is a terrific example.
Danny Yee 09.30.03 at 7:43 am
A great area. I was there last year (includes photos).
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