It’s my party and I’ll φ if I want to

by Kieran Healy on June 11, 2004

Seeing as “Brian”: is off gallivanting somewhere, let me point you towards “Desert Landscapes”:, a new blog brought to you by some of the faculty and graduate students of the “Philosophy Department”: at the “University of Arizona”: You can see them all there, inside the Social Sciences building in the right foreground of “this live view of the campus”:[1] They live on the ground floor philosophically underlaboring for the “Political Science people”: department in the middle and the “Sociology department”:, appropriately located on the top floor.

fn1. Unless it’s the night time, obviously, in which case you can “look here instead”:



Laurie 06.11.04 at 3:26 am

“They live on the ground floor philosophically underlaboring for the Political Science people department in the middle and the Sociology department, appropriately located on the top floor.”

Hah! You wish it was true…


Tom 06.11.04 at 7:07 pm

My father calls Sociology “the Anthropology of white people”

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