The Last Casualty

by Ted on June 14, 2004

James C. Moore is the co-author of the New York Times bestseller “Bush’s Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential.”

He has just released “Bush’s War for Reelection: Iraq, the White House, and the People“, and is engaging in an unusual form of publicity. He’s written an essay, exclusively for blog publication, which is posted under the fold.

I haven’t read the book and am in no position to recommend it. Honestly, I just think that it’s neat to be asked to be part of this. And if the essay is just something that didn’t make it into the New York Review of Books… well, I have no pride. Enjoy the essay.

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Fair Warning

by Kieran Healy on June 14, 2004

When I am President, those people who think they are so _clever_ and such _savvy travelers_ for using the parents’ room instead of the regular bathroom — because it’s quieter and cleaner and they read about this handy trick in a “Travel Tips” column once, even though they do not have, say, an unhappy five-month-old in their arms who needs a change and a feed — had better watch out. I will have the “Justice Department”: and a team of “Military Lawyers”: by my side, together with a bag of bamboo splinters, a “Leatherman Crunch”:, a “Camping Stove”: and a copy of the “Constitution of the United States”: for kindling. And who would stop me? For one thing, a War on Irritating Frequent Flyers would command widespread popular support, and I would be willing to consider opening New Fronts in this war, e.g., on People Who Cut Me Off In Traffic, or Bloggers Who Do Not Link To My Posts. Besides, in “the words of President George W. Bush”:, “I am the commander, see? I do not need to explain why I say things. — That’s the interesting thing about being the President. — Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation.”[1]

fn1. Previously thought to be mere managerial bravado but subsequently discovered by Administration lawyers to be a valid constitutional argument licensing the use of torture against unspecified numbers of persons.

Internet use reports

by Eszter Hargittai on June 14, 2004

The Pew Internet and American Life Project has revamped its Web site making it easier than ever before to find interesting and timely reports about people’s Internet uses. They have organized the site by topic so you can jump directly to reports of particular interest. They usually do not go beyond binary analyses when writing up the findings, but it’s a helpful first cut at the material. Moreover, they are making some of their data available for secondary analysis so others can jump in and see what the deeper stories are. There are few data sets that are publicly available with this type of information so the Project has been doing a real service to this research community for quite a while. The Pew Project is run by a group of great folks, do hop on over and check out their work! (Check here for some additional data sources on the topic.)

Tomorrow’s Kerry-bashing today

by Ted on June 14, 2004

It’s looking like another bad week for the Bush Administration. The torture memos haven’t stopped coming, and Bush’s lawyerly dismissals haven’t satisfied anyone. It’s considerably harder to hold on to the “few bad apples” theory. The Vice President’s office was much more involved in arranging sole-source contracts for Halliburton than previously revealed. Iraq’s power production is still below pre-war levels, as insurgents hold Falloujah.

It sounds to me like it’s time for another manufactured Kerry scandal. I’ve taken the liberty of scripting it out below.

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Queen’s Birthday Message

by John Q on June 14, 2004

Like racehorses, Australia’s monarchs[1] all have the same official birthday, normally the second Monday in June (according to today’s Australian, this was based on the actual birthday of George IV III). It’s fair to say that, of all Australian public holidays, this is the one for which the official occasion is most completely ignored. (Labour Day isn’t marked by much, but taking the day off is an observance in itself).

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