Internet use reports

by Eszter Hargittai on June 14, 2004

The Pew Internet and American Life Project has revamped its Web site making it easier than ever before to find interesting and timely reports about people’s Internet uses. They have organized the site by topic so you can jump directly to reports of particular interest. They usually do not go beyond binary analyses when writing up the findings, but it’s a helpful first cut at the material. Moreover, they are making some of their data available for secondary analysis so others can jump in and see what the deeper stories are. There are few data sets that are publicly available with this type of information so the Project has been doing a real service to this research community for quite a while. The Pew Project is run by a group of great folks, do hop on over and check out their work! (Check here for some additional data sources on the topic.)



Dennis G. Jerz 06.15.04 at 6:35 am

Thanks for tipping us off to the change… you’re right, it’s a great improvement. The tiny grey body text is very hard to read on my LCD screen, but the organization is excellent.


Kenny Easwaran 06.15.04 at 10:59 am

Wow, it’s quite a change! I was just browsing through a bunch of their stuff a week or two ago (when I was trying to get statistics to back up my feeling that a majority of internet users are female, to debunk a claim by Matthew Yglesias about one possible explanation of the lack of women’s voices in political blog comments) and it looks so much nicer now! I’ll have to browse through some more.

Too bad I don’t get to just read random demographic statistics when working on philosophy.

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