Your Opportunity to Prove Daniel Davies Wrong

by Henry Farrell on February 15, 2005

I’ve just seen that we’re through to the final stages of the “Best Group Blog” category of the Koufax awards. As Dan observed at an earlier stage of this process, CT has a sorry enough history in these awards.

bq. Oh god, it’s the same every year. We get nominated as “Best Group Blog”, which means “Maybe about Ninth Or Tenth Best Blog On A Good Day, But There’s A Group Blog Category So We’ll Nominate Them In That”. And then we lose.

If you want to show Dan that he’s talking smack for once, exercise your democratic rights, and “head over there and vote for us”: (while you’re at it, consider “giving the nod”: to Belle’s classic “and a pony”: , which is up for the best humorous post). If any further reason is needed, we’ve already gotten endorsements from Fafnir and the Medium Lobster (although Giblets has apparently decided in a fit of pique to vote for Obsidian Wings instead).

Update: Looks like the awards site is down (I suspect due to bandwidth limits) – will update this again when it reappears.

Update 2: Site back up.



dsquared 02.15.05 at 6:26 am

Alternatively, you could leave a comment on the preceding post pointing out that I said it was January and it’s not. :-)


Barry 02.15.05 at 12:10 pm

How do you vote, over there?



Henry 02.15.05 at 7:40 pm

Just leave a comment, saying “Crooked Timber” (or yer other blog of choice), with your name or appropriate pseudonym.


Matt Weiner 02.15.05 at 9:49 pm

I think the rationale for the Group Blog category is somewhat like what Gregg Easterbrook always says when reporting an Obscure College Football Score like Indiana University of Pennsylvania 30, James Madison 14: “Of course a whole college beat one person!” Just ain’t fair to expect solitary bloggers to go up against the mighty CT stable, where half the bloggers can disappear for a year and you can still post round-the-clock.


Daniel 02.18.05 at 3:19 am

Hello, my name is also Dan Davies. I think that my namesake is correct so STFU!

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