I’m running another ‘cash for comment’ appeal, over at my blog. For each comment on this post on my blog I’ll give $1A to Medecins Sans Frontieres, and express a preference for projects related to the The Global Fund to fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. The appeal closes 6pm Sunday, Queensland time. To be clear, you have to comment on my blog, not on CT to get counted
Global fund appeal
by John Q on February 19, 2005
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Don Quijote 02.18.05 at 12:12 pm
How much is $1A in real money (USD)?
Rick 02.18.05 at 2:32 pm
Least I could do for a good cause.
Brian Weatherson 02.18.05 at 3:29 pm
How much is $1A in real money (USD)?
An Australian dollar is about 60 Euro-cents. How much that comes to in banana republic money varies too wildly for accurate commentary.
Chris Clarke 02.18.05 at 4:24 pm
Thanks, John.
Philboid Studge 02.18.05 at 4:57 pm
How much is USD in real real money (EURO)?
John Quiggin 02.18.05 at 7:37 pm
Thanks everyone, but please note you have to comment over at 7-
bad Jim 02.19.05 at 9:44 am
I’m not going to play your game, Quiggin. I visited your site, clicked on the link, and made my own donation.
If you think you can buy my time by threatening to make a charitable donation on my behalf, it appears that you can. But not on your terms!
Don Quijote 02.19.05 at 4:10 pm
How much is USD in real real money (EURO)?
1 USD = .75 Euro
give or take a couple of cents either way…
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