Please welcome Blue Force, a blog dedicated to progressive discussions of military and national security issues, with a special interest in electing military veterans.
This ought to hotten up the blood:
Do you have a question you’d like to ask Tim Russert, Peggy Noonan, or Fred Barnes?
I’ll be in a conference with all three next week. I’m not sure how much face time I’ll have with any of them, but there is a good chance I’ll be able to ask at least one question each.
So: what is the question you’d most like to ask each of those folks?
I’m looking for insightful questions that might set them back on their heels. They’ve thought of all the obvious ones and have their formulaic answers well rehearsed.
Let’s shake them up!
Comment over there, not here.
Kevin Donoghue 01.26.06 at 2:17 pm
I thought I’d comment here just to see if I could.
yabonn 01.26.06 at 4:21 pm
Certainly a useful initiative, by fine people, for good reasons. Tactically, it’s surely a good idea for the left in u.s. to put the emphasize on the military, vets, etc, etc.
But the result is that the two big parties sometimes seem to be competing to be more pro-military than the other.
In the media, i can’t count anymore the times the above the fray, down to earth, been in the wars, no nonsense, etc, military type come to Speak the Truth with Street Cred (for one party or another).
It’s just an example i admit, but i find this diffuse militarism unhealthy.
Ian 01.26.06 at 4:59 pm
“Hotten”? Warmen, maybe.
gmoke 01.26.06 at 6:26 pm
I go to the brown bag lunches at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center for Press, Politics, and Public Policy. They have big name journos and others just about every week and I generally get to ask one question. If people are interested, I would appreciate help in formulating questions that can hit these mules upside the head with a two by four.
tom bach 01.26.06 at 7:19 pm
Abe Simpson always says angrys up the blood and he should know the correct usage.
John Isbell 01.26.06 at 11:00 pm
One could ask Fred Barnes how he feels about Amazon deleting negative reader reviews of his book (notably the General’s). No, not for obscenity.
John Emerson 01.26.06 at 11:41 pm
I agree with Yabonn. I don’t see a way out though.
paul 01.27.06 at 12:55 am
Do any one of them feel that they have any responsibility for the tragic state of civil discourse in this nation?
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