Buddy Miller

by Chris Bertram on March 3, 2006

In my role as a music reviewer for Bristol and Bath’s “Decode”:http://www.decodemedia.com/tiki-index.php magazine, I got to see “Buddy Miller”:http://www.buddyandjulie.com/ on Tuesday night. I’m not sure that music reviews are my forte, but you can read my effort “here”:http://www.decodemedia.com/tiki-index.php?page=Buddy+Miller . Miller really is a remarkable guitarist and a pretty good singer too. I guess he’s “officially” “country” (whatever that amounts to) , but he’s really someone who transcends genre. He’s made some important records with some famous people (he’s Emmylou Harris’s guitarist) , but his own material (and that with his wife “Julie”:http://www.buddyandjulie.com/biojulie.html ) is also fantastic. His religious affiliations (Christian) are pretty much to the fore in his most recent record — “Universal United House of Prayer”:http://www.buddyandjulie.com/house.html — though they weren’t on Tuesday. UUHP is sort of country/rock/gospel crossover (if it even has a genre) with the highpoint being his cover of Dylan’s With God on Our Side (Miller plainly doesn’t think that God is a Republican). Anyway, check him out.