Josh Cherniss, Harvard grad student and an old friend of Crooked Timber, tells me of an interesting sounding initiative at Harvard for a grad student conference in political theory.
Details below the fold.
Harvard University
Graduate Student Conference in Political Theory
November 30–December 1, 2007
The Department of Government (FAS) at Harvard University will host a conference for graduate students in political theory and political philosophy from November 30-December 1, 2007. Papers on any theme or topic within political theory–from the history of political thought to contemporary normative and conceptual theory–will be considered. Roughly seven papers will be accepted.
Each presentation should last no longer than 45 minutes, so please limit your paper submission to 20 double-spaced pages. Please format it for blind review: the text should include your title but also be free of personal and institutional information; and a separate cover page should include your title, a brief abstract (100 words max.), and your name, e-mail address, and institutional affiliation.
The keynote address will be given by Professor Joshua Cohen (Stanford); a Harvard faculty member will deliver opening remarks; and discussion panels comprised of Harvard faculty and graduate students will accompany each accepted paper. Time permitting, each presenter will have a chance to answer questions during a general discussion period after each panel discussion.
Food and housing will be provided by the Government Department and its graduate students. Unfortunately, Harvard will not be able to provide funds for transportation.
Submissions are due via e-mail (in PDF) on August 31, 2007. Acceptance notices will be sent on September 30, 2007. Papers will be refereed by juries composed of current graduate students in the Government Department at Harvard.
Questions, comments, and submissions should be sent to:
theorycon07.harvard[at] .
For more information, please visit the conference Web site at: .
Adam Kotsko 06.03.07 at 6:57 pm
A university with an endowment the size of entire continents’ GDPs “will not be able to provide funds for transportation.” Right. Just say you don’t want to!
Chris Bertram 06.03.07 at 7:04 pm
Yes, Adam, because _obviously_ , anyone organizing anything within a university has ready access to its endowment funds ….
Adam Kotsko 06.05.07 at 10:42 pm
Well, the announcement says “Harvard will be unable,” not the department.
josh 06.06.07 at 1:20 am
Fair enough Adam — saying that ‘Harvard’ was unable to provide funds was imprecise. We should probably have said, rather, that we were unable to procure funds to cover travel expenses. To be clear: ‘Harvard’ (or, the President and Fellows of Harvard, to be official about it) were not responsible for deciding how much money to spend on the conference, or what to spend it on. I’m sorry if the announcement was misleading on that point.
In turn, the ‘you’ in your own ‘Just say you don’t want to!’ was ambiguous. I took it to be a response to the announcement, and thus addressed to the announcement’s authors, rather than to Harvard (or the Gov Dept). So, I think Chris’s perception of your comment as directed to the organisers of the conference, and reply (for which I’m grateful; thanks, Chris) was fair, even if you meant to direct it at Harvard as some monolithic entity.
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