A friend alerts me to <a href=”http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/01/11/should-down-syndrome-be-cured/”>this recent item</a> in Lisa Belkin’s <i>NYT</i> “Motherlode” blog:
<blockquote><b>Should Down Syndrome Be Cured?</b>
The <a href=”http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/01/08/a-baby-in-a-snowstorm”>guest post</a> here on Friday — about the birth of Cash Van Rowe during a blizzard, and the jolting news that he had Down syndrome — led many of you to leave comments for his parents, assuring them that the road ahead was a journey they would cherish.
But what if Cash’s Down syndrome could be cured — or, more precisely, be mitigated?