… his truth the steam

by John Holbo on December 7, 2010

At Henry’s recommendation, I’m reading (actually, listening to on audiobook) The Half-Made World, by Felix Gilman. It’s great! The mythic clash of Gun and Line, Agent and Engine. Since I’ve been covering the gun angle with the last few posts, I’ll toss in a bit of authentic, vintage steampietism, courtesy of another great Library of Congress online resource, An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera (great fun to poke around).

Here is “The Spiritual Rail-Way”:



otto 12.07.10 at 4:24 pm

I enjoyed it too.


Alison P 12.07.10 at 7:05 pm

I’m listening on audio too. I like her delivery. The way she distinguishes the characters clearly without going nuts about it.


cjt 12.07.10 at 8:49 pm

I thought it was great too; I picked it up after hearing about it here and seeing that Ursula LeGuin gave it double-thumbs up. It’s a great adventure yarn. I’m looking forward to the next one in the series.


NickS 12.07.10 at 9:31 pm

The Little Black Train

“There’s a little black train a-comin’
get all your business right.
You gotta set your house in order
for the train could come tonight.”


John Holbo 12.08.10 at 12:56 am

Hey Alison, I agree. It’s always difficult to have one reader when you have, as in this case, alternating male-female first person narration. Better to hire two narrators, usually. But she’s pulling it off.

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