Sunday photoblogging: Severn Beach toward Avonmouth

by Chris Bertram on August 17, 2014



Anders Widebrant 08.17.14 at 1:18 pm

Wow, that’s really striking curve, well caught!


Meredith 08.17.14 at 6:20 pm

This whole series/collection is astounding. Would love to hold in my hands in a book, to spend time with.


Chris Bertram 08.17.14 at 9:07 pm

Maybe, Meredith.


David J. Littleboy 08.18.14 at 4:49 am

I’ll second that book suggestion.


Meredith 08.18.14 at 8:09 pm

Unless my clicker wasn’t clicking properly earlier, you’ve added to this portfolio — and it just gets better and better. Today I showed my husband (who has a more discerning eye than I do), and he adds his support to the book idea. There’s a drama as you proceed through the pictures, new connections that strike you each fresh time through. But sometimes you want to compare one picture with another that was much earlier, and the clicking approach discourages that. Of course, a book (assuming you could find a good publisher and production wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg) would force you to make selections and decisions about order that would be final….


js. 08.20.14 at 2:16 am

I would buy the book. Seriously. Your photographs are super in any case, and personally, I really love your formalist/modernist inclinations (or at least, that’s what I’ve noticed in the photos you’ve posted).

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