Read the Footnotes

by Micah on May 1, 2004

Place your bets! In about two minutes, I hope this “horse”: wins. What a triumph it would be for academics worldwide. Wondering where the name comes from? Here’s my conjecture: the owner is Seth Klarman, who is the brother of “Michael Klarman”:, who is the author of this absolutlely terrific “book”:, which has many, many footnotes. But that’s just a guess.

UPDATE: Alas, “defeat”:



John Quiggin 05.01.04 at 11:44 pm

Well, at least Imperialism was beaten into third!


bunny 05.02.04 at 7:21 am

Without doing research before watching the race, I was terribly afraid it had something to do with Ann Coulter (Colter?). You’ve restored my faith in equine-kind.


rm 05.03.04 at 2:13 am

I figured it had something to do with the famous Derby winner “Citation.” Sort of a longer version of the name.


Fred 05.03.04 at 3:53 pm

According to the April 30 Louisville Courier-Journal, my local paper:

Read the Footnotes: Co-owner Seth Klarman is a wealthy man because of his knowledge of all things Wall Street, and one of his pet peeves is a thorough examination of any prospectus. “`Read the footnotes,’ he says,” according to trainer Richard Violette Jr.

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