Remembering Jerry Cohen

by Chris Bertram on April 16, 2012

Via Martin O’Neill on FB, I see that reminiscences of Jerry Cohen by Philippe Van Parijs, John Roemer, Myles Burnyeat, Gideon Cohen and Tim Scanlon are now online (pdf). Enjoy.



Matt 04.16.12 at 6:28 pm

Thanks for posting this, Chris- interesting stuff.


LFC 04.17.12 at 6:26 am

Ditto. I read Van Parijs just now (I love the footnote about Nehru and Robert Frost), but then Roemer’s contribution, which comes next, is more like a lecture and am too tired to absorb it now. But will come back to it.


js. 04.20.12 at 1:27 am

Meant to say this much earlier: thanks for the heads up on this. Looking forward to checking it out once the end of the semester madness is over.

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