Not much blogging for me at the moment; three courses to teach, together with sundry administrative and other responsibilities mean that I don’t have much free time. In the meantime, let me recommend:
“Cosma Shalizi”: on “Our Geopolitical Situation, Dispassionately Assessed.”
“Norman Geras”: on Emmylou Harris. I’m a _Wrecking Ball_ man myself, which probably marks me out as a hopeless Emmylou lightweight.
And finally, “Teresa Nielsen Hayden”: has suffered a catastrophic disk crash, and is contemplating the horrors and expenses of professional data recovery. She’s politely soliciting donations – sounds like a good cause to me.
Cosma 11.05.03 at 6:21 am
I am not worthy.
Norman Geras 11.05.03 at 3:36 pm
I also think Wrecking Ball’s a great album. I better not say more, Henry, because I’ll need the more for when I get to WB in the sequence. Thanks.
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