“A cameraman for Reuters in Iraq has been ordered by a secret tribunal to be held without charge in Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib prison until his case is reviewed within six months, a U.S. military spokesman said on Wednesday.”
“The U.S. military has refused Reuters’ requests to disclose why he is being held. He has not been charged.
“His brother, who was detained with him and then released, said they were arrested after Marines looked at the images on the journalist’s cameras.”
“Reuters had also been pressing for the release of cameraman Haider Kadhem, who was detained in Baghdad on Sunday after an incident in which his soundman, Waleed Khaled, was killed as he drove the pair on a news assignment.
“Iraqi police said U.S. troops fired on the Reuters team, both Iraqis.”
What’s there to say?
Rob 09.01.05 at 11:28 am
Obviously he is less of a victim than Judy Miller.
jet 09.01.05 at 11:41 am
I wonder what they found on his camera.
dp 09.01.05 at 11:58 am
Perhaps Reuters’ coverage of the war will take on a subtle political tilt against the occupiers. We can only wish that the same thing would happen to a Murdoch reporter.
Cameron King 09.01.05 at 12:48 pm
What’s there to say? How about “who cares”? Just because he happens to work for Reuters doesn’t mean he is immune from being a terrorist. Journalists are no better or worse than anyone else, and no more apolitical.
y81 09.01.05 at 12:53 pm
I guess one thing to say is that you have quoted the Reuters article very selectively.
Uncle Kvetch 09.01.05 at 12:54 pm
The U.S. military has refused Reuters’ requests to disclose why he is being held. He has not been charged.
He has ceased to exist. He never existed.
McDuff 09.01.05 at 12:58 pm
Silly people. It’s “Al-Reuters“, and the Americans are only protecting themselves against scurrilous traitors who would offer aid and comfort to the enemy.
catfish 09.01.05 at 1:17 pm
I don’t see the above quotes as “selective” at all, except in the sense that all quoting is selective when it does not reproduce the entire article. Plus, Jon linked to the original. I don’t see how Jon could have selected other quotes that would have told a differnt story, because the military will not tell its side of the story, it will not even allow the detained men to know why they are being detained. Such is the price of secrecy, I suppose, but you can hardly blaim people for being suspicious. There is a long history of military occupiers imprisoning people without charges. Much of the time, these decisions are based on political rather than security reasons. We must be wary.
abb1 09.01.05 at 1:42 pm
But he’s just an Iraqi. They kill dozens of them and send probably hundreds to the concentration camps every day. What’s so special about this one – that he happened to be working for the Reuters? Big deal, let ’em get another one.
Andrew Brown 09.01.05 at 2:25 pm
Well, y81, the thing about human rights is that they apply to people simply by virtue of being human, which even photographers are.
abb1 09.01.05 at 3:37 pm
Here ya go:
Reminded me of this (from Juan Cole’s blog):
Sebastian Holsclaw 09.01.05 at 3:51 pm
“One of the ways we train our Marines is by going over scenarios with them…”
And what precisely happens after all the scenarios have been gone through? Do the trainers say, yup that is right, whatever you thought is ok. Or do they talk about each situation and why the initial responses were or were not appropriate?
abb1 09.01.05 at 4:00 pm
But their responses are appropriate. The most obvious of the ‘rules of engagement’ obviously is this: when you feel threatened, shoot first. This is most natural, anything else would be unreasonable. That’s what fighting a war is all about, that’s why war is supposed to be the last resort.
Robin Green 09.01.05 at 6:11 pm
to be held without charge in Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib prison
After the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, didn’t the Americans say it would be closed down? Whatever happened to that idea?
james 09.02.05 at 10:21 am
The Iraqi’s decided against shutting down Abu Ghraib.
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