Charging RINOs

by Henry Farrell on September 10, 2005

Stephen Bainbridge “heads for the exit”:

bq. let’s review some basic facts. The head of the National Guard has acknowledged that the deployment of his personnel to Iraq delayed the response to Katrina by at least a day. Senior Bush administration personnel told the NYT that politics delayed their response. Bush’s choice to head FEMA has been relieved. Conservative pundit/NRO Corner blogger Rod Dreher observes that “a raft of FEMA’s top leaders have little or no emergency management experience, but are instead politically well connected to the GOP and the White House. This is a scandal, a real scandal. How is it possible that four years after 9/11, the president treats a federal agency vital to homeland security as a patronage prize?” There’s a big difference between incontinence and telling the truth about an administration that is, if I may resort to being crude, screwing the pooch. Only fanatical Bush defenders like Snow can’t see the difference. It’s time for real conservatives and RINOs to unite in holding this administration’s feet to the fire.

Hurricane Help for Schools

by Harry on September 10, 2005

The U.S. Department of Education has a website up to facilitate providing support to schools affected by the Hurricane Katrina. If you work for or run an organization that is in a position to donate supplies, money, or expertise to affected schools you might well check out the site. Or, if you know that evacuees are being accepted to a school near you, you might want to donate directly. If you are a employer, you might consider offering qualified employees paid leave to volunteer in local schools accepting evacuees.

More on hurricane help for schools later.

Education: more, please

by John Q on September 10, 2005

In his post on education, Chris

floats a hypothesis for commenters to shoot down if they want to.

However, since most of the commenters agree with Chris, it looks like I’ll have to provide the other side of the debate. I’m also not linking to any evidence, though I discussed a fair bit of it here

I’m going to argue, contrary to Chris and most of the commenters on his post that there’s no reason to suppose that, in aggregate, the proportion of the population undertaking post-secondary education is too high, and every reason to continue trying to remove obstacles to participation in education for students from poor and working class backgrounds. Further, I don’t think credentialism is an important factor in explaining observed changes in participation in education or the labour market.

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