Yahoo! Hack Day

by Eszter Hargittai on September 30, 2006

Taking advantage of my Silicon Valley location this year, I decided to go check out Yahoo! Hack Day (it’s actually a two-day event so I’ll be back for more today). I doubt that there are too many CT readers who would participate in something of this sort, but if you happen to be there today, do let me know.

Hundreds of people showed up for the opportunity to spend a day adding functionality to various Yahoo! products such as Flickr, and now even Yahoo! Mail. The demos of these creations will be this afternoon (Saturday) where we’ll get to hear 90-second descriptions of the hacks. It sounds fun and exciting especially to someone like me who’s such a fan of some of Yahoo!’s products.

The event organization so far has been impressive with clear directions, plenty of parking, fast registration and some fun swag. Yesterday was filled with various presentations culminating in a pizza dinner and then a live concert. I finally met Lifehacker Gina Trapani in person and hung out for a while. This was fun since despite having written for Lifehacker in the past, we’ve never met in person.

The surprise of the evening was the Beck concert (see a recent interview in Wired as to why he was an especially appropriate selection for this event). The performance included puppet versions of all the artists projected onto the screen behind the stage. It was great. You can find photos of the concert on Flickr (mine, others’) and there’s also a Yahoo! video not of the concert, but of the Beck puppet’s visit to Sunnyvale. Google gets most of the attention for being a fun place to work, but Yahoo!’s campus seems quite fun as well, something I already noted when giving a talk there two years ago.

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Crooked Timber » » birthday bash
10.06.06 at 7:52 am



roy belmont 09.30.06 at 11:10 pm

Yahoo either did or didn’t help journalist Shi Tao get 10 years in prison.


bi 10.01.06 at 1:49 pm

All your Flickr are belong to Yahoo? Oh, OK.


engels 10.02.06 at 9:09 am

Did they demonstrate Yahpops? That´s the best Yahoo hack I´ve seen, which lets you retrieve Yahoo email via POP3, without paying Yahoo any money.

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