Words Worth Saving

by John Holbo on July 30, 2007

Josh Marshall: “The whole letter is written in a hyper-specific sort of pseudo-constitutional claptrapese to disguise the fact that what’s being said is complete nonsense.”

I think we should save that neologism for later use. It should be pronounced to emphasize etymologic ambiguity, as one might sing:

“It flew through the air with the greatest of ease/The daring young meme in the fine claptrapese.”



ejh 07.30.07 at 7:48 am

The stress falls in the wrong places.


bad Jim 07.30.07 at 9:43 am

I wish you a meretricious and a happy new year.


legacylegumes 07.30.07 at 1:55 pm

In the movie version Hayao Miyazaki , who has shown no fear of flying or executing his own vision will replace fine with flying .
Sincerely :
Vincent Canby’s Ghostly Gangly Doppler
Critics beyond reason
Oxymoron Ltd


Jay Conner 07.31.07 at 4:16 am

Observe Mr.Snow on the press claptrapeze
He’s such a glib master of mendacitease
Each word calculated his master to please
The truth he has hidden away


will 07.31.07 at 4:23 am

Apropos of nothing, “Everyone say his own kyrie eleison,” which Kieran used as a thread title and I took to be a fine Irish expression of Christian egalitarianism, is in fact from a Tom Lehrer song. I’m disappointed.


praisegod barebones 07.31.07 at 5:10 pm

‘Everyone say his own kyrie eleison’

And genuflect genuflect genuflect

Doing the Vatican Rag, iirc


agm 07.31.07 at 9:00 pm

To the tune of The Surrey with the Fringe on Top, of course.


nnyhav 08.02.07 at 2:48 am

badjim — YM “wishing you a meretricious and a preposterous New Year.” With complaints of the season.

Also: 5 yrs ago today

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